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Full text: 1869 (1869)

*88. I nitrd Stales of \merira — Coast of Maine. 
Notice is hereby given that the following 
day beacons have been erected: 
East entrance of Moose a Bee 
On Gilchrist's rock. A wrought-iron shaft 
thirty-five feet high, with a circular cage at 
the top four feet in diameter. 
On Moose rock. A wrought-iron tripod 
thirty feet high, with a square cage at the 
top six feet high by four feet diameter. 
On Snows rock. A wrought-iron socket 
and wooden shaft twenty-five feet high with 
a cask at the top. 
(Not. to Mat. Americ.) No 7S Washington, Nov. 1.) 
Hor6-Atlanttfdirr Ocean. — bereinigte Staate*, 
2$afcn in >er pftlichett (*infabrt 
inj» ©topfe a »ec 'Mcacb. 
(foigenbe Safen fitib an ber cftltcben tiinfabrt 
ton i'ioofe a 4*et :Koacb errichtet 
iluf (Mcbrift'i iKocf. (Sin 35 dul; hoher cifer« 
ner Pfeiler mit einem fu^efförmicien Kerbe t'en 
4 gu§ runbrneffer an bev 2 pitir 
'Huf üJloofe Stoef. liine breiftiftige eifente 4Life, 
30 itufi hoch, ireldie einen ciereefigen Kerb een 
4 ,oih rurebmeffer unb t> ,'tufi .Gebe trägt. 
'Huf ¿neie’s .'Kerf, lim belierner 25 ,tuh 
beber 18aum mit einem ,4ah an ber ¿eine auf 
einem cifernen Jfufigefletl. 
289. Dry Tortusras. Bain Eight an 
Eoggerliead Hey Flori«!a. 
( linage of Color of Tower. 
Notice is hereby given, that on ami after 
the 10th day of December next, 1869, the 
color of the I.ight-house tower on Logger- 
head Key (Dry Tortugas group), will be 
changed from its present natural brick color, 
to white, from the base to half of its entire 
height, and the remainder, including the lan 
tern, to black. 
(Not. to Mar. (Amer.) No. 80. Washington, Nov. 8.) 
'IWrditfccraitrt ill i*cr Jfctirbc bco 
Vciichttbiirnt* auf Voflrtcrbcab &ctt. 
J'rn Jortuflao. 
Tie bisherige natürliche ¿iegelfteinfarbe fces 
I'eucbttbiirnie con Voggerbeat Ken ift bio uir bal- 
ben .fiübc beo iburmei in iceifi unb b rber bi 
iiaterac mit eingefcbloffen, in fcbtrari umgetvanbelt 

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