is. W. Scroby black and white chequered.
Mid Scroby black and white chequered.
West Scroby black and white chequered.
Scroby Elbow black and white chequered,
bell, with stall' and cage.
S. W. Scroby black and white chequered.
Scroby Fork black and white striped.
South Scroby Spit black and white che
South Scroby black and white striped,
with staff and cage.
North Cockle black and white rings, with
staff and diamond.
N.E. Cockle black.
S. E. Cockle black.
South Cockle black.
North Caistor black.
Mid Caistor black.
Caistor Elbow black.
South Caistor black.
North Bank black.
North Corton black and white rings, with
staff and diamond.
N. E. Corton black.
S. E. Corton black.
Mid Holm black.
Corton Gatway.
S.W. Corton red and white striped, with
staff and cage.
Mid Corton Spit red and white chequered.
South Corton Spit red and white chequered.
South Corton red and white rings.
North Holm red and white rings.
N.E. Holm red.
Holm Elbow red.
East Holm red, with staff and globe.
Lowestoft Roads.
West Corton black and white chequered.
N.W. Holm black and white chequered.
West Holm black and white chequered.
S. W. Holm black and white chequered.
Holm Hook black and white striped.
daiftor (Slbeir förcatj.
3eut() daiftor fcbtcatj.
iRertb iBanf febmarv
iRortb Sorten fcbioarp unb u?eifje iRinge mit
Stande unb iftycmbu*.
N E (Sorten febmarj.
S E (Sjorton febnur}.
iRib ivolin fdbtrar^.
(Sorten (Matmap.
SW (Sorten retb unb ireifc geftreift mit 3tange
unb JBürfel.
SJtib dorton Spit retb unb rccip gefebaebt.
Seutb dorten Spit retfc unb rceiii ^fiebaefct.
Scutb dorten ret^c unb iveijie iRinge.
iRcrtb Jpolm retbe uub meifie iRtnge.
N E .V)o(m retb.
£olm dlboir retb-
daft JPiefm retb mit Stange unb Kugel.
Öottefteft iRbebc.
ffieft derten fcfnvorj unb ireifc gefebaebt.
N W ftefm febrnar^ unb »reift gefdbaebt.
SiSeft \H'Im febmarj unb treift gefebaebt.
S W .$elm febtran unb ireift gefebaebt.
Jpolm Jpoof febmaiq unb treift geftreift
Scutb £clm febivarje unb trei#e iRingc mit
Stange unb St. 9lnbrea$ Rreuv
3nner Sbeal retb unb ¡eeift geftreift.
9tortb 'Jterocome retb unb ireift geftreift.
N W iReircemc retb unb ireift geftreift.
©eft iReirccmc retb unb mein geftreift.
S W fRetrcome retb unb ireift geftreift.
Scutb iReireemc retbe unb ireifte .'Ringe mit
Stange unb rrciecf.
(Saft '^amarb retb mit Stange unb Kugel.
Seutb Samarb retb.
fRortb iReirccme Spit febirarje unb treifte iRingc
mit Stange unb iR&ombug.
N E «Reircome febirarj.
daft SRtb iRetrecme febirarv
(Saft fRefrceme febirarj.