Burnham ridge black and white chequered.
Docking red and white rings.
Burnham Flats black and white rings, with
staff and St. Andrew's cross.
West Sherringham black and white rings,
East Sherringham black and white rings.
Blakeney Overfalls black, bell, with staff
and globe.
Leman and Ower Sand.
North Ower black.
South ower black.
Leman black aud white chequered, conical.
The prevailing colour of the buoys in the
district following will be black, except in the
Curton and Paketield Gatways, and in Lo
westoft south road, where it will be red.
The buoyage will then be as tollows:
Haisborough Gatway and Gross Sand.
Foulness black.
North Haisborough black and white che
Mid Haisborough black and white che
South Mid Haisborough black and white
South Haisborough black and white stri
ped, with staff and cage.
North Cross Sand black, with staff and
East Cross Sand black.
Mid Cross Sand black.
South Cross Sand black.
Winterton Ridge red and white rings, with
staff and St. George’s cross.
Yarmouth Roads.
Winterton Ness red.
West Cockle Spit red and white striped.
North Scroby black and white chequered,
with staff and cage.
men finb bie Gerten unb 'ßafeuelb (BattraDS unb
bic fiiblicbe Wbebe Don Voirefteft, hier finb Die
kennen reth.
$aiöborouffb ©attrao unb Grob Sanb.
^oulneb febtrarj.
SJlortb £>aiöbereugb fdurar* unb treib gefebaebt.
3}tib .fSaivberougb febtrarj unb treib c\efd>acbt.
South 'JJiib JoatSborougb febtran unb treib
South £>ai$borougb febtrarj unb treib geftreift
mit Stange unb SBikfel.
Werth Grob 3anb febtrarj mit Stange unb
Gaft Grob 3anb fd?trarj.
9Rib Greb 3anb febtrarj.
©outb Gveb 3anb febtrary
Jlhnterton JKibge reibe unb treibe Atinge mit
©tauge unb 3t. (fteerg’3 Rreuj.
^armoutb 9tbebe.
SBinterton üieb rotb.
©eft Gecfle Shit retb unb treib geftreift.
9tertb 3rrebD febtrar^ unb treib gefebaebt mit
Stange unb SBürfel.
N W ©erebo febtrarj unb treib gefebaebt.
9Rib Scrobp febtrarj unb treib gtfebaefat.
9Beft ©crobn febtrarj unb treib gefebaebt.
3crobD Glbetr febtrarj unb treib gefd^ad>t,
GHecfe, mit Stange unb SBñrfeL
S W ScrrbP febtrarj unb treib gefebaebt.
©crobp ftetf febtrarj unb treib geftreift.
3eutb Scrobr ©bit febtrarj unb treib gefd'aebt.
©outb ©erebP febtrarj unb treib geftreift mit
Stange unb iBürfei.
'¿North Gecfle fehtrarje uub treibe ?Ninge ¡mit
©tauge unb ¿Rhombu*.
N E Geefle febtrarj.
SE Gecfle fdnrarj.
South Gecfle febtrarj.
SRerth Gaifter febtrarj.
¿Dtib Gaifter febtrarj.