It is to be observed that only one colour,
either black or red, will be used in the same
The buoyage will then be as follows:
Coquet Island.
N. VV. Coquet red and white chequered.
S. W. Coquet red and white striped.
N. E. Coquet red and white rings, with
staff and triangle.
Pan Bush red.
Sand Spit red.
llauxley Point black, with staff and globe.
Bondicar Bush red.
River Tees.
South Gare and all Port Hand Buoys
black and white chequered.
Tees Fairway black and white rings, with
staff and diamond.
No. 1. And all the Starboard Hand Buoys
East Coast
Long Scar black, bell, with staff and globe.
Salt Scar black.
Whitby Rock bla k, with staff and globe.
Filey Brig black.
North Smithic red and white rings, conical.
South Smithic red.
Rosse Spit black and white striped, conical.
Protector black, conical.
North Lynn Knock black and white rings,
with staff and diamond.
South Lynn knock black and white rings.
Inner Dowsing black and white rings,
with staff and diamond.
South Dowsing black and white rings.
Dudgeon Watch black and white striped.
North Races Bank red and white rings,
South Races Bank red and white rings.
West Docking black and white striped.
Lee* Sairtrap ftbirarje uni) treibe Dünge mit
Stange unb Dtbombuö.
Dir. 1 unb alle Bojen auf Steuert erb fthtrar.j.
Saft tioaft.
iiong Star febn-arj, ®lcde mit Stange unb
Salt Star fetrearj.
illbitbn Dtorf fthlrarj mit Stange unb Kugel,
ijilec Srig fdurarj.
Dlerth Smitbic rette unb treifie ¿Ringe, fegeb
South Smitbic rotb.
'Keife Seit fdurarj unb mein geftreift, fegeb
Breterter fdurarj, fegelförmig.
ifterth Ptmn Kneif fdurarje unb treibe Dünge
mit Stange unb Dfhembu«.
South Iftmn .Kneif fdurarje unb n-eibe Dünge
firner renmng fdurarje unb tveifie Dünge mit
Stange unb Dihomtus.
South Cetrjtng iefm-atje unb ireibe Dlinge.
rnibgcen ¿llatch fdurarj unb treib geftreift.
Dlertb Dlare« 'Baut rette unb treibe Dünge,
South 'Karte Bant rette unb treibe Dünge,
¿lieft retfittg fdurarj unb treib geftreift.
Buntham tKibge fthtrarj unb treib gefchatht.
Xnnfing rette unb treibe Dünge.
Buntham dlate fcfjtrarjc unb treibe Dünge mit
Stange unb St ¿Inbrcas Kreut.
¿lieft Sherrtngbain fdurarje unb treibe Dünge,
Saft Sherringham ftbtratje ttnb treibe Dünge.
Blaffenet) Coerfalls fthtratj, (State, mit Stange
unb Kugel.
Pentan unb Ctrer Sanb.
Dierth Ctrer fthtrarj.
South Ctrer febtrar).
Üetnan febtrarj uttb treib gefebaeht, fegelförmig.
Cie eerbcrrfdttnbe itarbe ber Lernten m ben
frlgenben Ciftriften trirb fthtrarj fein; auegenetn