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Full text: 1869 (1869)

Bench Head red and white rings. 
Eagle red. 
Bar red, conical. 
Priory Spit red. 
Outside Buoys. 
East Shipwash black. 
Inner Gabbard redjandjwhite striped. 
Outer Gabbard red. 
Long SandfHead black, with staff and 
St. Andrew's Cross. 
North Knock red, with staff and globe. 
Mid Knock red. 
Kentish Knock red,|with staff and globe. 
(Not. to Mar. No. 92. 30th November.) 
England — East Coast. 
Alteration of buoy agre — Ber- 
uiek to Orforilness. 
The Trinity House, London, has given 
Notice, that in accordance with the general 
system of buoyage adopted by that corpo 
ration, the buoys between Berwick and <)r- 
fordness will, during the months of March 
and April 1870, be altered in conformity 
The principal features of this system within 
the above limits, are that the starboard side 
of channels coming from the northward, will 
be marked by black or red buoys only, the 
port side by black or red buoys chaptered 
or striped vertically with white, and middle 
grounds by black or red buoys with hori 
zontal bands of white. 
When beacons are considered necessary 
to be placed on buoys, the starboard side 
entering will be distinguished by globes, the 
port side entering by cages, and middle 
grounds by diamonds or triangles. 
CnjUönf. — Ofthtiftr. 
iöcra'iibcriiitft i>er ¡Bctouniiiift tum 
i^enoirf bto Orforbncff. 
Cie iieränbcnmg finbet in Uebercinftimmung 
mit bem bem irinitp i» nie angenommenen Softem 
in ben 'Monaten Mars unb Stprtl 1870 jlatt. 3" 
ein unb bemfclben gaftnrqfTer »erben nur kennen 
ron einer fxarbe, entweber nur ftbwarje ober nur 
weifte aufgelegt »erben. 
ISoquet .^blanb. 
N. W. (Soquet rotft unb »eift gefebaeftt. 
S. W. Soquet roib unb weift geftreift. 
N. E. Soquct rotfte unb weifte ¡Ringe mit ¿tange 
unb Creietf. 
Ipan ¡Bufft rotft. 
¿qnb 5pit rotft. 
Jjqusteo spoint ftbwarj mit Stange unb Kugel. 
¡Bonbicar ¡Bufft rotft. 
¡Kiser leeb. 
¿outft ©arc unb alle ¡Bojen auf ¡Batfborb 
ftft»arj unb »eift gefebaeftt.

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