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Full text: 1869 (1869)

North Hook Middle black and white 
8. W. Middle black and white striped, with 
staff and cage. 
N. E. Barrows black and white chequered. 
East Barrows black and white striped. 
West Barrows black and white chequered. 
N.E. Bawdsey black, conical. 
S. W. Bawdsey black and white rings, co 
West Rocks black. 
N.E. G unilee i black and white rings, with 
staff and diamond. 
Mid Gunfleet black. 
Gunlleet Spit black. 
S.W. Gunlleet black. 
West Gunlleet black. 
Swin Spitway black. 
Whitaker black and white rings, conical. 
N.E. Maplin black. 
East Maplin black. 
Maplin Spit block. 
Maplin black. 
S. E. Maplin black. 
Blacktail black, with staff and globe. 
East Shoebury black. 
South Shoebury black. 
Mid Shoebury black. 
West Shoebury black. 
Leigh Spit black. 
Approaches to the Colne and Black- 
water rivers. 
Ridge red and white chequered. 
South Buxey red. 
West Buxey red. 
North Buxey red and white chequered. 
Wallet Spitway red and white rings, with 
staff and diamond. 
Knoll red and white striped, with staff 
and cage. 
N. W. Knoll red and white striped. 
S. E. SJtaplin ftfctrarj. 
'Bhuftail febtrarj mit Stange unb ftiujcL 
Gaft Sboeburg febtrarj. 
South Sboeburg febtrarj. 
'Dfib Shoebury fdjtrarj. 
SBeft Sboeburg febtrary 
Veic^b Spit febtrarj. 
»Jugänge jum Golne unb ©latfrrater ^lufc. 
¡Jiibge rotb unb treib geiebaebt. 
Soutb '.Burep retb. 
SBeft tBurep retb- 
9iortb iBureo retb unb treib qefebaebt. 
SBallet Spittrap reibe unb treibe IRinge mit 
Stange unb iKbombus. 
RnoQ retb unb treib geftieift mit Stange unb 
N. W. sin eil rotb unb treib geftreift 
S*encb $eab rotbe unb treib« iKinge. 
Gagle rotb. 
Sar rotb, fegelfötmig. 
^riore Spit rotb. 
9leu§ere ^ojen. 
Gaft Sbipteaib iebtrar*. 
x ^nner (Sabbarb rotb unb treib geftreift. 
Outer Wabbarb rotb. 
tfeng Sanb öeab ftbiuart mit Stange unb 
6t. Mnbrea*' Rrcuj. 
iliertb Rnecf rotb mit Stange unb Kugel. 
üJhö itneef rotb. 
ftentitb ftnoef rotb mit Stange unb RugeL 

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