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Full text: 1869 (1869)

In the approaches to Harwich harbour, 
the Colne ami Black water rivers, the buoys 
will be red. 
The, buoyage of the district will then be 
as follows: 
Approaches to Harwich. 
N. E. Whiting red and white rings, with 
staff and diamond. 
Hook Whiting red and white striped. 
S. W. Whiting red and white chequered. 
Cork Sand red and white striped. 
Outer Ridge red and white chequered. 
Inner Ridge red and white striped. 
Cliff Toot red and white chequered, with 
staff and cage. 
North Cliff' Foot red and white striped. 
South Shelf red and white chequered. 
North Shelf red and white striped. 
Guard red and white chequered, with staff 
and cage. 
Shotley Spit red and white rings. 
Stone Banks red and white striped. 
Rough red and white rings. 
Cuttler red. 
Felixstow Ledge red. 
Andrews red. 
Platters red. 
Beach End red, bell buoy. 
Shipway and Swin. 
Middle Ship wash blackand white chequered. 
S. W. Shipwash black and white rings, 
with staff and triangle. 
Sunk Sand Head black and white chequered. 
Heaps black and white striped, with staff 
and cage. 
N. E. Middle black and white striped. 
'liciti) ¿belf vctb imb meii geftveift. 
©uavb reti) unb tveif. geftbaJit mit Stattge unb 
¿botlcp ¿pii vette unb mcife Stinge. 
¿tene Cantei veti' unb totip geftveift. 
Stougb vetbe unb treiiic Stinge. 
Suttlet voti), 
ièeltrftetv Pebge vctb. 
Slr.ìveted rotb. 
'IMatteve rett. 
Beatt Sub voti', ©lorfenbeje. 
31'iptval' unb ¿tein. 
'iìibblc ¿t'ipmafb fdjmavj unb tveip vjefdiacf't. 
S. W. ¿bipmaib fcbteavje unb troie Stinge 
mit ¿tnnge unb Tveicd. 
¿unf ¿nnb .'òeab febmavj unb ti'eip gefcbacfct. 
■Òcapc- fcpmarj unb met§ geftveift mit ¿tange 
unb SSiirfel. 
N. E. tUìibbie fd>mavj unb teeijj geftveift. 
Siovth iyoof Ulibbie fefgravj unb meli gefdiacbt. 
S. W. ilìibble fefyravj unb meli geftveift mit 
«tange unb Siilil'fci, 
N. E. Bavvomes febmat} unb mei§ gefttadit. 
tsaft Ba freme ftbmavj unb meti geftveift. 
Slleft Bavrome fetyravj unb tecii gefd?acf>t. 
N. E. Bombici' jdjteavj, fegelfòrmig. 
S. W. Baieifct) ftbmavj unb meiie Stinge, 
¿Cefi diodo idgravj. 
N. E. ('lunfleet fttnoavje unb meiie Sfinge mit 
¿tatigc uttb Stilemi'uo. 
Btib ©unfleet ftfileavj. 
©unflcct «pii fepronq. 
S. W. ©unfleet fdimavj. 
SSlcit ©utvjleet fcpmavj. 
¿min ¿pitrcap filimaq. 
SSbitafcv fcfpoavje uttb meiie Stinge, fegelfòvmig. 
N. E. ajtàptm fdnravj. 
gali SJiaplin fd)teavj. 
Dtaplin ¿pit febmavj. 
Blaplin fibmavj.

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