driiadi |um 13rfuni»(bfn
iSatibfls-Prefetti, 3afcrgaig 1S69.
lîadjridjtcn für Seefahrer.
¿Ks Ti.
Euglaad — Thames river, entrance.
Alteration of buoyage of Aortli
The Trinity House, London, has given
Notice, that in accordance with the general
system of buoyage adopted by that corpora
tion, the buoys of the North Channels of the
Thames will, during the months of March
and April 1870, be altered in conformity
The principal features of this system are,
that the starboLcd side of channels entering
from seaward, will be marked by black or
red buoys only, the port side, by black or
red buoys, chequered or striped vertically
with white, and middle grounds by black or
red buoys writh horizontal bands of white.
When beacons are considered necessary
to be placed on buoys, the starboard side
entering will be distinguished by globes, the
port side entering by cages, and middle
grounds by diamonds or triangles.
It is to be observed that only one colour,
either black or red, will be used in the same
The prevailing colour of the buoys in the
Shipway and East and West Swin, will be
fcnglanö. — Z tjcmfc - ÄünDung.
'Bcrditbcriiitß in ber Srtciiituiiß ber
itbrblicfseu ftaitälc.
3« biefen Kanälen »itb in ben iDtonaten 9JMtj
unb Slpril 1870 bte sBetonnung in Uebeteinfüm.
mung mit bem bom irinito ipoufe angenommenen
¿Dfiem geänbert »erben.
3n ein unb bemfelben gabrtoaffer »erben nur
ionnen bon einer ¡färbe, entweber nur febmarje
ober nur rmbe liegen.
7>ie borberrübenbe garbe berSoien im 3^ib»ab,
Gaft unb ©eft 3»in »irb febttarj, bie in ben
3ugängen naib £>ar»i<b, in bem Seine unb 8Iai*
»ater giu6 rotb fein.
3ugänge nach §at»ieb.
N. E. ffibiting rotbe unb rceibe Dünge mit
«tange unb Dtbombub.
•5>oof ©biting retb unb »eib geftreift.
S. W. ©biting rotb unb »eib gefeba^t.
Gorf canb rotb unb »eib geftreift.
Cuter Dtibge rotb unb »eib gefc^acbt.
3nnet Dtibge rotb unb »eib geftreift.
Sliff ffoot rotb unb »eib gefebaebt mit ¿tauge
unb ©firfel.
Dtortb Sliff ¡500t rotb unb »eib geftreift.
Soutb ibelf rotb unb »eib geübaebt.