East Last black.
Mid Last black.
West Last black, with staff and globe.
The Swale.
Whitstable Street red and white striped,
with staff and cage.
Pollard Spit red and white striped.
Columbine red.
Columbine Spit red.
Ham Cat red.
Sand End red.
Feversliam Spit red.
Four Fathoms Channel-
East Spaniard black and white striped,
with staff and cage.
Mid Spaniard black and white chequered.
West Spaniard black and white striped.
East Middle black.
South Middle black.
West Middle black.
Spile black.
Queen’s Channel.
East Margate red and white rings, with
staff and diamond.
N.E. Spit red and white striped.
North Spit red and white chequered.
Wedge red and white striped.
South Ivnoll red and white chequered.
East Tongue red and white rings.
West Tongue red.
Pan Patch red.
Pan Spit red.
West Pansand red, with staff and globe.
Prince’s Channel.
Tongue Knoll black and white rings.
N.E. Tongue black and white chequered.
North Tongue black and white striped,
with staff and cage.
N. E. Pansand black and white chequered.
North Pansand black and white stripe«!.
Columbine ¿pit rotb.
Sam Wat rotb.
©ant Cnb retb.
fevers Kim ©pit retb
5our flat borne Channel
Caff ©paniarb icbwaq unb weift geftreift mit
©tange unb Würfel.
Kib ©paniarb id) wart unb weift gefdjadjt.
Weft ©paniarb fcbwaq unb weift geftreift
Caft Nibble fcbwaq.
©outb Nibble febtoaq.
Weft 'Kibble fdrtoaq.
©pile fdinwu.
Oueen’# Channel
Caft Kargate rotbe unb weifte iKmge mit
©tange unb iKbombue.
9tortb»Caft ©pit rot!) unb weift geftreift
9tortb ©pit rotb unb weift gefebaebt.
Webge rotb unb weift geftreift.
©outb ftnell rotb unb weift gefebadft
Caft Tongue mit rotb unb weiften düngen.
Weft Tongue rotb.
^an ^3atcb rotb.
^3an ©pit rotb.
Weft $anfanb rotb mit ©tange unb Kugel.
'tlunce'e Channel.
Tongue Knoll ftbwaqe unb weift? fttinge.
9torth Caft Tongue febwaq unb weift gefebadft.
9lortb Tongue fdiwaq unb weift geftreift mit
©tange unb Würfel.
9tortb«Caft ^Janfanb icbwart unb weift ge»
9tortb fPanfanb id)wart unb weift geftreift
(Oilman febroarj unb weift gefebaebt
©outb Wirbler fcbwaq.
Weft Wirbler id)Waq.