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Full text: 1869 (1869)

*4 S. 
Cork light-vessel N. N. W. \ W. 1 ’ miles. 
Cutler buoy N. E. \ N.. 2*/u> miles. 
Also, that the Guard buoy at the entrance 
of the harbour, has been moved one cable 
to the north-westward, and now lies in 2’ 
fathoms at low' water springs with the follo 
wing marks and bearings, — 
North end of the Redoubt, in line with 
the south end of Dovercourt terrace 
S. \V. 
High beacon at L&ndguard, just open to 
the south of the low' beacon JS. E. 
North Shelf buoy S. E. ; 2} cables. 
In order to facilitate the approach to the 
anchorage off the town of Harwich and to 
leave a clear passage for steam vessels to the 
piers, a small dioptric light has been placed 
at the end of the North jetty, which shows 
a red light betw'een the bearings E. ’ N. and 
E. N. E., and vessels are cautioned not to 
anchor in this red light, unless they are to 
the eastward of the red light which is shown 
from Landguard lighthouse, cutting the North 
Shelf buoy. 
The northern limit of this exempted an 
chorage will be known in the day-time, by 
bringing Upper Dovercourt church open north 
of the Railway pier, bearing W. S. W. 
(All Bearings are Magnetic. Variation 
19\° Westerly in 18(>9.) 
(239 —241 Not. to Mar. No. S3. 2nd November.) 
Serf Seud'tfcbiff — N N W J , W, 1 j Seemeilen 
Eutler Safe NOJN, 2,9 Seemeilen cnt> 
rie (Butirb • ienne im Umgang bei ftafend 
ilt eine Kabellänge nad' ilorbteeil »erlegt, unb 
}№ar in 2J ,laben '-¡Baffer bei niebrigem ©affet 
Springjeit unter folgenben 'Pfeilungen: 
SRorbfeite ber Sebanje, in Pinie mit bem 2iib- 
enbe ber Coberrourt ierraffe SW 
Tie bebe Saft auf Panbguarb, eben, frei, 
füblid) een ber niebrigen State — SO. 
Stcrtb Sbeif Hefe So, 2} Kabellängen ent- 
Um bie Slnnäberung an ben ilnferplaß bei 
ber Stabt vSartridt ju erleichtern unb eine freie 
ptaffage für X'ampffcbiffe nad' ben 'Bleien ju 
febaffen, ¡ft ein flcince bieptrifebre ifeuer auf bem 
Kerfe ber nerblid'en Bleie errichtet, bae ein retbee 
pid't jtrifeben ben 'Peilungen OpN unb ONO 
jeigt; bie 2d'iffc traben barer gelrarat, innerhalb 
biefee retben Picbtce tu anfern, aufier trenn fte 
fidi eftlidi »om retben Seuer bee Panbguarb Peucbt- 
tbunnes beftnben, trelcbee bie 'Jlertb 2belf 'Boje 
X'ie nerblid'e (ürenje biefer freien Ülbebe ift 
bei Page babnreb fenntlicb, bafj man Upper Peper- 
ceurt .Kirche nerbiid' frei een ber Irifenbabnmele 
WSW peilt. 
(Beil. miSm. 'Bar. 194 0 ®e|i in 1869.) 
Bit} of Bengal. 
Temporary liiilil near (lie (irrnt 
Notice is hereby given, that on or about 
the 15th March next, and thereafter during 
the time of building the Lighthouse on the 
Crngalifdier ffitcrbufrn. 
iycucr "bet ten Oireat 
Sen Bütte Bl,in näcbften x labrea ab unb träh 
ren b ber ffeitbauer bee Sauce eineP Peucbttburmee 
auf ben threat Saffee Seifen an ber Süboftfüfie

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