*33. Carnarvon Bay.
now lifflit vfNsel
ween Bards<7 inland iiihI Souili
Also, that early in December 1869, a light-
vessel will be placed between Bardsey island
and South Stack.
The light will be a revolving light with
tchite and red lias lie 0 at intervals of twenty
seconds, in the order of two white and one red.
The light-vessel will be moored in 30 fa
thoms at low water springs, S S W \ \Y
12^ miles from the South Stack lighthouse.
The light is intended to facilitate the na
vigation of St. George’s channel, and to in
dicate to vessels their position when they
may be influenced by the indraught of Car-
nan - on bay.
Also, that further particulars will be pu
blished in due course.
(All Bearings are Magnetic. Variation 23
Westerly in 1 Stilt.)
(231 — 233. Noi. lt> Mar No. 79. 16lb October.)
'öeabftchtifltr ^liielcftiuiß ciiico
ncucit Sfetirrfcfiiffe ;u>ifcbrn t>cr
3Sarbfen>3nfel uut* 3ontb
v 1m Anfang bes midiften reicmberr feil jlbifehen
bet'iarbfee.^nftl unb South Stad ein Reuerfdiiff
ausgelegt werben, bas ein Trehfeuer mit ireifien
unb rethen Splinten unb jwar drei weifte unb einen
rethen in ;(nji|(beni\iumen Den 20 Sefunben teilen
wirb. Tas Sdiff teil auf 3o Raben SÖaffer bet
fliibrigwaffer Spring}«! S S \V > \v, 12j
meilett bin Seutb Stad P'eud'ttbunn ju liefen
femnien. Tie? feitet foll tuv lirleicbtening bet
2(initial'rt im St (i'cerge's (ianat, befonbers mit
iKntffiitt auf bie in bte (Savnarbon < iPai laufenbe
Strömung bienen. i'täbcre Angaben werben
feiner ;(eit erfolgen.
($eil. mifttv. JJat. 23 ilfeft in 1869.)
Irelaml—West Coast.
Position of lltirriiek rock •
Dingle I»)'J-
A rock, long known by fishermen in tiie
neighbourhood to exist as the Barrack rock,
on the north side of Dingle bay, has recently
been examined by Staff Commander E. K.
Calver, and its position determined.
The rock has a surface of about 200 feet,
rising from a base less than half a cable in
extent, with 4} fathoms on it at low water
springs; it lies SE’S 2 miles from Thun
der rock (south of Yickillanc island), and S.
\V by W W 5^ miles from 81ea head.
3rlanb. — ttlrftkiiflr. — ¡Dingte - tun
bco 'J^arrorf rotf.
(iin ben ben Rifebern in bev llmgegenb als
iParraff rerf an bev Üicvbfeite ber Ringle.Sai
befanntcv Reifen ift untevfud't unb feine t'age be-
flimmt imben. Ter Reifen bat an feiner sPafid
weniger als ; Slabellg.. an feiner CberfläAe etwa
200' Ausbebnung, er liegt Sü) hi, 2,« Seemeilen
rem ibunber reff (füblidi bon ber 'ihffillane>3niet)
unb 8 \V /. \\ $ \Y, ,">) Seemeilen bon Slea heab;
bei sjiiebrigwajfet Sbrin.yeit finb i.) Raben Klaffet
auf bemfeiben unb ift bei hebet Tünung Kran-
bung barauf.