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Full text: 1869 (1869)

(Nut. to Mar. No. 7s. lli't 
ties Barques. A ray of red light visible from 
the upper light tower on the North bank 
will indicate a near approach to the ancho 
(All Bearings are Magnetic. Variation 
19^ Westerly in 1869J 
(Not. to Mar No. 75. 4th October.) 
Brazil—Rio dr .laurini. 
Itoci* \rar line limiti* ¡slami. 
information has been received of the dis 
covery of a small rock by Squire T. C. Lecky, 
Lieutenant R. N. R., commanding the Steam 
Ship Halley, near the Isle das Enchadas (The 
Coaling island) in the harbour of Rio do 
The rock lies E by S J S about one cable 
from the jetty on the east point of the Isle 
das Enchadas; it is 50 feet in diameter, coni 
cal, with 2£ fathoms on it at low water 
springs, and is steep to on all sides. 
From thè rock, the chimney on Rat island 
appears twice its apparent breadth to the left 
of the base of the eastern slope of the Sugar- 
loaf. and the same chimney on with the cen 
tre of the summit of the Sugar-loaf, leads 
between it and the Baixo das Feiticeiras in 
from 6 to 8 fathoms water. There is like 
wise a deep channel t<» the westward of the 
rock, but vessels are recommended to pass 
outside, or to the eastward of Baixo das 
Oraftltrn. — Rio t»r 3anrtro. 
ftclfcn bei her C^nd>iibai> = 3'*Kl. 
v }m yafen oon Stic be Janeiro ift bei ber 
Jnfel ba? (Sncbaba? ein Reiner gelfen entbeeft 
werben, ber OSO} 0 ungefähr 1 ftabellg. teil 
ber 'Mole an ber oftlicben ¿Bitte ber ¡¡¡nfel bar 
finefiaba? liegt; er bat jii int Curdmieffer unb 
fällt ttad) allen ¿eiten (teil ab, bei iftiebrigmaffer 
Springjrit finb ‘JJ gaben ¡¡'.¡affet auf betnfelben. 
Ccm ¡reifen au? iiebt man ben ¿dtomftein 
auf ber v \nfel ftiat um feine hoppelte Streite linfe 
Bon ber ¡¡¡afi? be? oftliiten '¡[bbauge? bei ;}utfer 
bitte?; berfelbe ¿d'ornftein, in Sjinie mit ber 'Mitte 
ber ¿pitte be? fttuferbute?, führt jtnidteii ihm unb 
ivürc bar geiticeira? in (i l'ir 8 gaben '¡'.¡aller 
äiteftlicb Pom gelten ift gleichfalls ein tiefer 
iSanal, boeb trirb ben ¿ebittern geratben, aujterbalb 
ober ölt lieb Bott 'hairo ba? geititeira? tu pufiiren.

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