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Full text: 1869 (1869)

25 feet above high-water springs, and in clear 
weather should be seen from a distance of 
11 miles. 
The illuminating apparatus is catoptric, 
or by reflectors. 
The light tower is 656 yards N W from 
the upper tower; it is 37 feet high, built of 
stone, square, and painted white. 
South bank or the river. 
Upper light. — A fixed red light visible 
through an arc of 15 degrees, from N by W 
4 W to N W by N, elevated 44 feet above 
high-water springs, and in clear weather 
should be seen from a distance of 9 miles. 
The illuminating apparatus is catoptric, 
or by reflectors. 
The tower is 44 feet high, is built of stone, 
square, and painted white, and its position 
is in lat. 45 56' 45" N, long. 1 3' 56 West. 
Lower lig'iit.—A fixed red light, also vi 
sible through an arc of 15 degrees in the same 
direction as the upper light, elevated 17 feet 
above high water, and in clear weather should 
be seen from a distance of 9 mites. 
The illuminating apparatus is catoptric, 
or by reflectors. 
The tower lies N N W | W, 536 yards 
from the upper light tower, is 23 feet high, 
built of stone square, and painted white. 
Note.—The light on file D’Aix in a line 
with the Upper light (red) on the north bank 
will lead 14 miles northward of the Rocher 
d’Antioche and will be useful in navigating 
the Pertius to and from the Rade file D’Aix. 
Directions.—Vessels entering the Cha 
rente in the night should keep the red and 
green light on the North bank in a line un 
til the two red lights on the .South bank arc 
in one: keeping the last-mentioned lights in 
line, will lead to the anchorage of the Port 
belldngen) N W bom oberen ^euer, ift 37 bed'' 
au* ¿teilten erbaut, riererfig unb treib gemalt. 
2luf Dem fiiMid)cn ülufutfer. 
Obere* леи er Sin feite* retbe* ft euer, 
ba* 44' über фофпхцТег bei öprtngflutb boeb 
unb bei flarer Puft !t Seemeilen weit über einen 
Sogen oon 15 jtvifebett ben Teilungen N 7. W 4 
W bi* N \V 7 N ftcbtbar in. Gateptrifcber 'Лрра 
rat. Гег Xburm ift 44' boeb, au* ¿teilten erbaut, 
biereefig, treib gemalt unb Hebt in 45 56 45 ' 
9terbbrette unb l 3' 56 üTOeflldnge ren 
Gheen trieb. 
Untere* ft euer, Gin fefte* retbe* fteuer, 
ba* 17' über Jpoebtraffer bei' unb bei flarer Puft 
( .) ¿eemeilen treit in berfelben .'Kicbtung trie ba* 
obere fteuer über einen Sogen ron 15 ftcbtbar 
ift. Gatoptrifcber Apparat. Гег Ibunn liegt 
N N W \ W 536 'Jiarb* (2,9 Rabellg.) ren bem 
oberen Peuebttburm entfernt, ift 23 bei, an* 
¿teinen erbaut, biereefig unb treib gemalt. 
Га* fteuer auf ber .ftniel Г’9Иг in Pinie mit 
bem oberen rotben fteuer auf bem nörbliebett Ufer 
führt 1’ ¿eemetle nörblicb rem iKoeber btlnticcbe 
unb erleicbtert ba* Gefahren be* '4>crtiu* nach unb 
ren ber .'Kbebe ber -ftnfel Г'Ли;. 
'-Feint Ginlaufen in bie Gbarente träbrettb ber 
9laebt müffen bie ¿cfoiffe ba* retbe unb grüne 
fteuer auf bem nörbliebett Ufer fe lange in Pinie 
palten, bi* bie beiben rotben fteuer auf bettt füb 
lieben Ufer in Gin* fontmen; biefe fo gebalten 
führen auf ben Slnferplap bon be* '-Fargue*. Gin 
retber Pid'tftrabl rom oberen Peucbtfeuer auf bem 
nörblid'cn Ufer jeigt bie 9iabe be* iUnferplatjeS an 
('Feil, ntimr. 'Rar. 1**4 ffiefl in IN®*.

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