'^filil.K Ul ut 'JhfU RÜd'fit
■öanMa < ?lrd«iD, ^abrgang ls<a>.
ilrtd)rid)tm für Sccfaljrcr.
Frame—West Coast.
I.i^lltiim til«“ IIHMltll of the
( liamilr river.
The French Government has given Notice,
that from the 1st day of October 1869, die
following four lights would be exhibited from
lighthouses recently erected near the entrance
of the Charente river, to indicate the two
courses which lead from the Hade File D'Aix
to the anchorage of the Port des Barques.
North hank of the ri\er.
Upper light. — A fixed red light visible
through an arc of about 18 degrees in the*
direction of the Hade File D'Aix: it is elevated
45 feet above high-water springs, and in clear
weather should be seen from a distance of
16 miles in the direction of the light of File
D'Aix. and 11 miles when in line with the
lower light.
The illuminating apparatus is dioptric, or
by lenses.
The tower is 55 feet high, built of stone,
square, and painted white, and its position
is in lat. 45 57 59 N.. long. 1 4 26
West from Greenwich.
Lower 1 i g h t.—A fixed green light visible
through an arc of about 18 degrees in the
direction of the Hade File D'Aix; it is elevated
¿nmhrrtd). — Uirfthüftr.
Crrinichtiuin ter i’.'iiiiibmtfl tco
C^biircutc: ¡ylm)Vv.
®om 1. Cftober b. v V ab brennen an ter ®iim>
bung be» ¿barente*Hluffei frlgenbe bier neu errnt>.
leie ¡Heuer, um bic beiben ¿curie anjujeigen, bie
bon ber :Kbcbe bev .¿lie! D’dlir naeb bem Snfer-
blab bee i'araues führen.
auf Sem nörSlidjen ¿Hubufer.
Cberes Heuer. ¿in feftei retbes Heuer, bas
über einen Sogen tun ettra 18 in ber Stüfitung
naeb ber Sibebe ber .¿l'el r'Slir ui (eben ifi; 55'
über inxfrtr (liier bei Springüuth bcib, Seinreite
bei flarer Sufi in ber Siiditung naeb bem Heuet
auf ber Otnfcl D’iliv iu 18 Seemeilen unb, nenn
er mit bem unteren in l'inie iit. [1 Seemeilen. —
Dieptrifebcr ülpbarat.
rer iburm iit 55 becb, aus Steinen erbaut,
Bieretfig, treib gemalt unb ftebt in 45 57 .511"
jierbbreite, 1 4 ¿ti SJeftlänge ben ©reeniriA.
Unteres Heuer, ¿in fettes grünes Heuer,
bas 45 über ycebnaiier bei SpringÄutb bed> unb
bei flarer Vttft II Seemeilen über einen 'Jörgen
brn ettra 18 in ber 9tiebwng naeb ber .'Kbebe
ber Hnfel r ülir ju fiebtbar iit. ¿ateptrifdjer
Slpparat. Dev ibitviu liegt (158 iiarbs (ca. );a>