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Contents: 1869 (1869)

North Island West Coast. 
Fixed light ut Jlanakiiii heads. 
It is intended to exhibit from one of the 
beacons on the South head ofManakau har 
bour. a fixed white light, and though only 
of moderate power, may, from its great ele 
vation above the sea, about 500 feet, be seen 
in an exceptionally clear state of the at 
mosphere. from a distance of 50 miles. 
Caution. This light is only meant to 
benefit vessels accust nied Io trade along the 
coast. It is not intended in any way to en 
courage vessels to attempt to enter Manakau 
harbour during the night, nor is it meant to 
encourage strangers to approach the coast. 
It is anticipated that the intended lights 
described above, will he lighted early in 1870; 
bill more exact and detailed descriptions will 
be published when the works are more ad- 
\ auced. 
*No 1S7 '20U Not. to Mar. No til August.) 
ItörMidif 3nftl Ulrlthiiflr. 
¡yet'ti'o Jyeucr auf Wiiiiiifau >>catio. 
Auf einet ber Steten auf bem ©outh öeab im 
ütanafau • ivafen toll ein feftei treibe# .teuer ein 
gerichtet reerben, ba# nur Den muffiger Veiubtfraft, 
aber bei Ьт bebeutenbtn \nebe Den ca. .'inu' bei 
aubergetrebnlitb fiarer ruft 30 Seemeilen n-eit udtt- 
bar fein trirb 
Tie? лепег feil nur ben Sd'iffen, bie ап bei 
»iiitte Jöanüel [reiben, nicht aber utv ’Зпкиипц 
junt irinlaufen in ben 'Manafau Aafeu bei Acutt 
teil bienen ebei .uembe ¡иг Annäherung an bie 
Külte beftarfen. 
Ir# nürb, bie Derftebenben riet 
.teuer im .labte IK7o anuuünbeu, genauere An 
gaben trerben reröffentlicbt, trenn bie Arbeiten 
treiter norgefebritten fein werben 
\ustralia Virsl toast. 
Eiislrnrr of Hrmor reef ron- 
The following additional information re 
lative to Heaver reef, an outlying danger otf 
Swan river, already reported in Hydrogra 
phic Notice, No. 10, dated 2;>th May 181.8, 
has been received front the Surveyor (ienerafs 
Department, Western Australia. 
The existence of the Beaver reef, which 
was reported to have been seen in 1804. lues 
been confirmed by Captain luting of the 
Schooner (lift, who passed it on the 1.1th 
of April 1809. when the sea was breaking 
heavily and continuously on the danger. 
The reef appeared to extend about half 
a mile North and South; soundings were 
obtained in 15 to 18 fathoms, a ipiarter of 
a mile from the southern end, and its posi- 
Auftrattni — IDrilhüftc. 
HfHitlttvtHfi bi‘v 'IWtxiiifceiiieine 
Ьее ’Hcaltcr 'sHtffe. 
Tai ilerbanbenfein bei ilearer .'Kiff#, ba# im 
„\ubre 181.4 gefeben fein feilte, nürb burd. tiapi 
tain Vaing beut ¿cboenev Wifi beftätigt, ber am 
lft. April t. V v beim 'liaffiren heftige unb ununter 
breebene 8ranbung trahtgenemmen (tat. 
Da* iKiff fd'eint fid) ea. ; ¿eenteile ben üiorb 
narb ¿üb tu erftretfen, Vetbungen ergaben i,'. bi« 
ls .'laben ; Seemeilen bem füblitbett ,'Kanbe unb 
fKmml bie Vage mit ber früher angegebenen über 
ein, ca. ,'ü 2 eemeilen W /. S (recbtte. i ben bem 
trefflichen iSnbe ber dlettneft Mittel m ungefähr 32 
s ¿übbreite, llt 3V Cftl,tilge hon öireenirieb

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