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Full text: 1869 (1869)

1»«. EaM Coast — Bahia. 
lilHMimr oil N1. Antonio hunk. 
Information has been received that the 
North and South extremities of St. Antonio 
bank are each marked by a buoy. 
The northern buoy is black, and lies in 
3’ fathoms water, S. S. E.. about seven-tenths 
of a mile from St. Antonio lighthouse. 
The southern buoy is red. and lies in 4 
fathoms water. South, about 4', miles from 
St. Antonio lighthouse. 
(All Bearings arc Jlay/vtit. Variation 
0 4‘* M'titcrfy in 18By.^ 
N 195 1'*''. X,»;. t-> Mar. N • .»>". 2H. An<n*t 
Gruftlim — Cflhüflr. 
^ojctt auf ber 3t. 
Tie OlerD» uni 2übrdnber bev 2t. 3lntcni«s 
i'üttf jint> frurd» Stapn tugeidmet unb *trar ber 
nerblicbc mit einer fdurai^cn, bie in A\ fabelt 
4ltoMcv sso ca. o,r 2eemetlen Dem 2t. ¿ntenio» 
Öeuchttbunn lieejt unb ber füblitbe mit einer reihen, 
bie in \ fabelt ¿Bafiec ca. \\ 2eemeilen (üblich 
i'i'it bemfelben Veud'trhurm lie$t. 
i'et!. iniSn?. 'Bar. t» 4*' ¿Beit in IVi'.t. 
I»7. \ew Zealand — Cook Strait Middle Island. 
Rn oh iiiir Htflit onFareuHl spit. 
The « olonial Government has giwn No 
tice. that a lighthouse is to be erected iu the 
immediate vicinity of Bush End, on Farewell 
.'“'¿»it. at the western < ntrance of Took Strait. 
The intended light is t<> be a rerohing 
white light, attaining its greatest brilliancy 
once trerg minute; hut a red sector will be 
shown over the Spit end, iu order to caution 
Mariners of their approach to that danger. 
The illuminating apparatus is to be diop 
tric. or by lenses, of the second order. 
The light-tower is to be an open-framed 
structure of wood, 1 IS feet high, and the 
light, which will b»* exhibited from an eleva 
tion about 120 feet above the sea level, 
should be visible in clear weather from a 
distance of 17 miles. Approximate position, 
lat. 4" 33 20 S.. long. 173 1 5(> E. 
tlru-dttlanb — Cook-Straße — ifiittlrrr 3nfrl. 
X'rcbfeiier auf ¿ynrfUH'U 2pit. 
flu unmittelbarer 'Habe Mn Stuft linb auf 
¡iatctrell ¿bit im meftiitben ber lieof- 
¿trafe irut ein neuer Seucbttburm gebaut, ber 
nach bem ¿pit (inte iu, um Der tiefer Untiefe 
}u ipanien, ein rotbe* Siebt, femi aber ein meines 
rvebfener jeften leivb, bas in jeber 'Minute einmal 
feinen heUften ffilattj erreiel't; berfelbe feil 120 Uber 
ber 'ISafterflüebe beeb unb bei flarer ruft 17 ¿ee 
meilen leeii fidatbar fein. 
Sinfenapparat 2. Crbtum.t. ier veuebttbumt 
irirb aue einem frurftbroebenen .fu'li^mi’i belieben 
unb US' becb fein. 
Ungefähre Va^e: -hl :£l 2o ¿itbbreite, 173 ‘ 
1 ."V i C'tlänje reit oireenirift.

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