L'iirland — East Coast — Kiuff's Lynn.
InteiidiMl alteration in lm»^ag:< k
of l-> mi Ciiaiinel.
Notice is hereby given, that on and alter
1st September 1869, or as soon afterwards
as the change can be effected, the following
alteration will be made in the colour and
character of the buoys marking *he Lynn
channel, in conformity with the general system
adopted by the Corporation of the Trinity
House, London:
That the Sunk and Terrier buoys, as well
as all others on the port side, will be co
loured black and white in vertical stripes: the
Lower Roaring Middle buoy being further
distinguished by a stall - and ball, and the
three buoys next above it being numbered
upwards as before, viz.: 1.2. and 3 respec
That all the buoys on the starboard side
commencing with the Lower hell-buoy, on
the north-east end of the Westmark Knock
sand, will he coloured black.
Cnijlani. — Cftkiitlc. — duiij’e (gnn.
&enbfubtiftte ^ojeiitocrrtiibcriiiifl
tut Vnmi = (Viiiml.
;}um I. September b. V Y ober fobalb ei fid)
bon ba ab auifübren Li fit, feilen bie 'Bojen im
'Ann ■ lianal nod' brtn bom Trinity House am
genommenen Softem gednbert teerben unb ttvar
fetten bie Sunf 1111b Rerricre Bojen, fctvic bit auf
Baefbotb fd'toarj unb nn-i§ fcnfved't getircirt fein;
bie Sotrer Bearing SPtibble Boje irirb auScrbem
cine Stange mit Äugel unb bie bvei nätbfifolgen«
ben Bojen oberhalb merben bie fortlaufenbtn Bum
mem 1, 2 unb 3 führen.
'Alle Bojen auf Steucrborb, bon ber t'emcr
("lodenboje anfangenb, am norböftliibcn iKanbe
be? iOetimarf Snctf ¿anbei irerben fdjtravi ge>
malt fein.
IN4. Irish Channel — Isle of Wan.
Fixed littlil h( Fort Frin.
The Harboiw Commissioners of the Isle
of Man have given Notice, that on and after
25th Angust IS lid. a new light will be ex
hibited between sunset and sunrise from the
outer end of the new breakwater works in
Port Erin, on the west coast of the Isle of
The light will be a fixed green light, ele
vated 25 feet above high water, and in clear
weather should be seen from a distance of
about 3 miles.
ölrifdjer Canal. — 3nfcl fHan. — IXlrOhiiftr.
Jtefieo «teuer im *>ofeu Orritt.
»Born 25. Sluguft b. ab feil am äufjerften
Irnbc ber 'Arbeiten am SBellcnbrecbet un yafen
grin ein feile« grüne« Retter brennen, ba« 25'
über fjoebioaffer hod' unb bei flauer l'uft ca. 3
Seemeilen ¡reit fiefttbar ift.
Beim (imlaufen in ben Jpafeu lirin muk ba«
Setter an ¿teuerborb gehalten re erben.
Tas Seuet felbft trirb je nach bem Rortfcbteiten
ber arbeiten oerlegt.