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Full text: 1869 (1869)

No. 7. Skitter Sand End (Nun) buoy, will 
in future be black and white, striped verti 
No. 8. * Skitter Sand Elbow (Nun) buoy, 
will in future be black and white, striped 
No. 9. Anson (Can) buoy, will in future 
be black and white, striped vertically. 
No. 10. Hook (Can) buoj will in future 
be black and white, striped vertically. 
No. 11. Lower West Middle (Can) buoy, 
will in future be black and white, striped 
Buoys oil the starboard hand in en 
tering the Humber. 
No. 1. Outer Bank (Nun) buoy, will in 
future be black with stall’ and triangle. 
No. 2. Middle Bank (Nun) buoy, will in 
future be black with staff ami ball. 
No. 3. Inner Bank (Nun) buoy, will in 
future be black. 
No. 4. Lower Trinity (Nun) buoy, will 
in future be black. 
No. 5. Upper Trinity (Nun) buoy, will 
in future be black. 
No. 6. Sunk Spit (Nun) buoy, will in 
future be black with staff and ball. 
No. 7. Holme Ridge (Nun) buoy, will in 
future be black. 
No. 8. Holme (Nun) buoy, will in future 
be black. 
No. 9. Holme Hook (Nun) buoy, will ia 
future be black. 
No. 10. North Holme (Nun) buoy, will 
in future be black. 
No. 11. Lower Hebbles (Nun) buoy, will 
in future be black. 
No. 12. Upper Hebbles (Nun) buoy, will 
in future be black. 
Buoys marking Middle shoals. 
No. 1. Chequer (Nun) buoy, will in future 
be black and white, in horizontal stripes. 
55ojcn nui ¿teuerborb beiin Çiiilauîcn. 
s )ix. 1. Cuterÿanf (fpige) '-8cje m ieRt iebiran 
mit ¿fange unb î'reieit. 
9lr. 2. iKibble 8anf ( fpiue i 8eje itt ¡eut fdwarj 
mit ¿fange unb üugel. 
Wr. H. V \nnev 8anf ( fpitte) '.8cje itt \m febiratg. 
9lr. 4. Vcirer ¿rinitr 
9ir. f». llpper irinitn • 
iîr. H. ¿tmf ¿bit ifpiRei 8cje itt jcri fcbivan 
mit ¿tange unb Rugel. 
9tr. 7. itclmeïKibge ifpifcei '8cje itt jeftt fcbicarj. 
itr. S. >>clnte 
ihT. 9. Oclme >>ccf 
9tr. 10. $iertb \u'hne « 
9ïr. 11. Vcirer ôebbie* « 
$tv. 12. UpDer çebbteâ 
33ojen auf ben mittleveii 'BAnfen. 
9tr. 1. libeguer 8cje ht jegt fcbirarj 
unb iret§ ivagerctÿt geftreift. 
'Jir. 2. î'etrer ih'ibble (ipige) 8oje ift jeRt 
fcbtrarj unb treik tragerecbt geftreift. 
'Jtr. 3. llpper ïDtibble (fpitie) 8cje itt jeçt 
febirarj unb trei»? iragerecbt geftreift. 
■Sergi. 9îa«faricfaten fût 3ee f a&m 9ît. lui

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