A. Valente et al.: A compilation of global bio-optical in situ data
Table 2. Continued.
Data source Description
NASA bio- High-quality global data set of coincident bio-optical in
Optical Marine situ data. The data set was built upon SeaBASS archive.
Algorithm Data The current version (Version 2.0 ALPHA, 2008) was
set (NOMAD) ased, with an additional set of columns of remote-sensing
reflectance corrected for the bidirectional nature of the
.ight field, provided by NOMAD creators. Data compiled
Jetween 1997-2007. Compiled standard variables: “rrs”,
‘chla_hple”, “chl_fluor”, “aph”, “adg”, “bbp”, “kd”
Data contributors
Robert Arnone, Kevin Arrigo, William Balch,
Ray Barlow, Mike Behrenfeld, Chris Brown, Dou-
glas Capone, Ken Carder, Francisco Chavez, Den-
ıs Clark, Herve Claustre, Jorge Corredor, Glenn
Cota, David Eslinger, Piotr Flatau, Robert Frouin,
Rick Gould, Larry Harding, Stanford B. Hooker,
Oleg Kopelevich, Marlon Lewis, Antonio Mannino,
John Marra, Mark Miller, Greg Mitchell, Tiffany
Moisan, Ru Morrison, Frank Muller-Karger, James
Nelson, Norman Nelson, David Siegel, Raymond
Smith, Timothy Smyth, James Spinhirne, Dariusz
Stramski, Rick Stumpf, Ajit Subramaniam, Ken-
neth Voss
MERIS Match-
up In situ
Global database of in situ bio-optical data matched with
concurrent MERIS Level 2 satellite ocean colour products
The “extract matchup” tool to acquire data was used. Data
were compiled between 2002-2012. Access has been
zranted through a signed Service Level Agreement. Com-
yiled standard variables: “rrs”, “Cchla_hplc”, “chl_fluor”,
‘“aph”, “adg”, “bbp”, “kd”, and “tsm”
Multidisciplinary programme that makes biological,
chemical, and physical oceanographic measurements dur-
ıng an annual voyage between the United Kingdom and
destinations in the South Atlantic. It has compiled ob-
zervations of chlorophyll-a concentration between 1997
AMTS) and 2018 (AMT28). Data were provided by
che British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) and di-
:ectly from data contributors. Compiled standard vari-
ables: “chla hole”. “chl Auor”
Simon Belanger, Jean-Francois Berthon, Vanda
Brotas, Elisabetta Canuti, Pierre Yves Deschamps,
Annelies Hommersom, Mati Kahru, Holger Klein,
Susanne Kratzer, Hubert Loisel, David Mc-
Kee, Greg Mitchell, Michael Ondrusek, Michel
Repecaud, David Siegel, Gavin Tilstone, Giuseppe
Atlantic Merid-
ional Transect
Ruth Airs, Arwen Bargery, Ray Barlow, Robert J.
W. Brewin, Denise Cummings, Giorgio Dall’Olmo,
Ella Darlington, Afonso Ferreira, Stuart Gibb,
Victoria Hill, Patrick Holligan, Victor Martinez-
Vincente, Gerald Moore, Leonie O’Dowd, Alex
Poulton, Emilio Suarez, Glen Tarran, Andreia Tra-
cana, Rob Thomas, Gavin Tilstone
Database of several collections of data related to
the marine environment. It has compiled observations
of chlorophyll-a concentration in the northern Euro-
pean seas, between 1997-2012. Data were provided by
he ICES database on the marine environment (2014,
TZopenhagen, Denmark). Compiled standard variables.
‘“chla_hplc”. “chl fluor”
Hawaii Ocean Multidisciplinary programme that makes repeated bio-
Time-series logical, chemical, and physical oceanographic observa-
(HOT) tions near Oahu, Hawaii. Measurements of chlorophyll-
4 concentration between 1997-2019 were extracted
[rom the project website. Compiled standard variables:
“Chla hnlec” “Cchl fluor”
Geochemistry, Program of in situ data collection aboard merchant ship Yves Dandonneau
Phytoplank- from France to New Caledonia, between 1999 and 2002.
:on, and Color Measurements of chlorophyll-a concentration were ob-
of the Ocean vtained from the project website. Compiled standard vari
(GeP&CO) ables: “Chla_hplc”, “chla fluor”
ARCSSPP “Arctic System Science Primary Production” database. Patricia Matrai
Available from NODC FTP site. Compiled standard vari-
able: “chla_fluor”.
Several 2007-2018 cruises in Atlantic, Pacific, and South- Astrid Bracher. Rüdiger Röttgers
ern oceans from Astrid Bracher’s group at AWI. Provided
by Astrid Bracher. Available from PANGAEA. Compiled
standard variables: “chla fluor”, “rrs”, “aph”.
Bob Bidigare, Matthew Church, Ricardo Letelier,
Jasmine Nahorniak
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 14, 5737-5770, 2022