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Full text: A compilation of global bio-optical in situ data for ocean-colour satellite applications

(grant OCE 09-26766). We thank Yves Dandonneau for allowing 
che use of GeP&CO data. We thank ICES database on the ma- 
ine environment (Copenhagen, Denmark, 2014) for allowing the 
use of their archived data, and Marilynn Sgrensen for the help with 
questions about the ICES data set. We thank all ICES contributors 
for their data. We thank Eric Zettler and SEA Education Associa- 
ton. This study includes data collected by the US Marine Biodiver- 
sity Observation Network (MBON) funded under the US National 
Ocean Partnership Program through NASA grant NNX14AP62A 
“National Marine Sanctuaries as Sentinel Sites for a Demonstration 
Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON)”. The CARI- 
ACO Ocean Time-Series program also provided significant decade- 
long bio-optical information used in this study. These data were ob- 
:ained from NOMAD and SeaBASS. We thank NASA, SeaBASS, 
and the Ocean Biology Processing Group (OBPG) for access to 
SeaBASS and NOMAD data. We thank NASA for project funding 
Ior data collection. We thank Chris Proctor from SeaBASS for his 
valuable and prompt help in a variety of questions. We are deeply 
“hankful to the data contributors of NOMAD and SeaBASS: James 
Allen, Kevin Arrigo, Dirk Aurin, Mike Behrenfeld, Kelsey Bisson, 
Emmanuel Boss, Chris Brown, Dylan Catlett, Mary Luz Canon, 
Douglas Capone, Ken Carder, Carlos Del Castillo, Alex Chekalyuk, 
Jay-Chung Chen, Dennis Clark, Javier Concha, Jorge Corredor, 
Glenn Cota, Yves Dandonneau, Heidi Dierssen, David Eslinger, Pi- 
otr Flatau, Alex Gilerson, Joaquim Goes, Gwo-Ching Gong, Adri- 
ana Gonzalez-Silvera, Jason Graff, Nils Haentjens, Larry Hard- 
ing, Jon Hare, Sung-Ho Kang, Grace Kim, Gary Kirkpatrick, 
Oleg Kopelevich, Sasha Kramer, Sam Laney, Pierre Larouche, 
Zhongping Lee, Ricardo Letelier, Marlon Lewis, Stephane Mar- 
ıtorena, John Marra, Chuck McClain, Christophe Menkes, Mark 
Miller, Allen Milligan, Ru Morrison, James Mueller, Ruben Ne- 
gri, James Nelson, Norman Nelson, Mary Jane Perry, David Phin- 
1ey, John Porter, Collin Roesler, Joe Salisbury, David Siegel, Mike 
Sieracki, Jeffrey Smart, Raymond Smith, James Spinhirne, Dariusz 
Stramski, Rick Stumpf, Ajit Subramaniam, Lynne Talley, Chuck 
Trees, Ryan Vandermeulen, Toby Westberry, Ronald Zaneveld, Eric 
Zettler and Richard Zimmerman. For the BIOCHEM data we thank 
‘he Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the following data contribu- 
‚ors: Diane Archambault, Hughes Benoit, Esther Bonneau, Eugene 
Colbourne, Alain Gagne, Yves Gagnon, Tom Hurlbut, Catherine 
Johnson, Pierre Joly, Maurice Levasseur, Jean-Francois Lussier, So- 
ala Michaud, Patrick Quellet, Jacques Plourde, Stephane Plourde, 
Luc Savoie, Michael Scarratt, Philippe Schwab, Michel Starr, and 
Francois Villeneuve. We also thank Laure Devine for the help 
in processing the BIOCHEM data set. CalCOFI research is sup- 
ported by contributions from the participating agencies: The Cali- 
fornia State Department of Fish and Wildlife, NOAA, National Ma- 
ine Fisheries Service, Southwest Fisheries Science Center, and the 
University of California, Integrative Oceanography Division at the 
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD. The authors would like 
to thank the Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands (PLOCAN) 
and its staff for making freely available the use of this ESTOC 
data set. We thank the following MAREDAT data providers: Robert 
Bidigare, Denise Cummings, Giacomo DiTullio, Chris Gallienne, 
Ralf Goericke, Patrick Holligan, David Karl, Michael Landry, 
Michael Lomas, Michael Lucas, Jean-Claude Marty, Walker Smith, 
Rick Stumpf, Emilio Suarez, Koji Suzuki, Maria Vernet, and Simon 
Wright. We thank Oscar Schofield, Raymond Smith, and Maria Ver- 
net for allowing the use of the PALMER data. Data from the Palmer 
zarth Syst. Sci. Data. 14. 5737-5770. 202, 
A. Valente et al.: A compilation of global bio-optical in situ data 
LTER data repository were supported by Office of Polar Programs, 
NSF grants OPP-9011927, OPP-9632763, and OPP-0217282. We 
thank the SeaDataNet Pan-European infrastructure for ocean and 
marine data management (, last access: 
18 December 2022). We thank Emmanuel Boss for the TARA data. 
Funding for the collection and processing of the TARA data set was 
provided by NASA Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry program 
under grants NNX11AQ14G, NNX09AU43G, NNX13AE58G, and 
NNX15ACO08G to the University of Maine. We would like to honour 
the memory of Marcel Wernand, Tiffany Moisan, and Trevor Platt. 
authors who contributed to the previous versions. 
Financial support. This paper received funding from the ESA 
OC-CCTI project (grant number 4000101437/10/I-LG), the EU- 
METSAT “Multi-mission Ocean Colour Algorithm Prototyping” 
(OMAPS), and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and 
innovation programme under grant agreement 810139: Project Por- 
tugal Twinning for Innovation and Excellence in Marine Science 
and Earth Observation — PORTWIMS. 
Review statement. This paper was edited by Francois G. Schmitt 
and reviewed by Andre Belo-Couto and two anonymous referees. 
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