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Full text: A compilation of global bio-optical in situ data for ocean-colour satellite applications

A. Valente et al.: A compilation of global bio-optical in situ data 
Appendix B: Data avallability 
The compiled data are available at 
https://doi.0rg/10.1594/PANGAEA.941318 (Valente et 
al., 2022). The database is composed of three main ta- 
5les: table “insitudb_chla.csv” with the observations of 
‘“chla_fluor” and “chla_hplc”; table “insitudb_rrs.csv” with 
observations of “rrs”; and table “insitudb_iopskdtsm.csv” 
with remaining observations (“aph”, “adg”, “bbp”, “kd”, 
and “tsm”). The rows within the three tables relate to 
each other via a unique key (column “idx”). The three 
tables can be viewed conceptually as one table with 
all data. To help with data manipulation, six auxiliary 
tables derived from the previous three main tables are 
provided. The table “insitudb_metadata.csv”” contains 
all available metadata and helps, for example, to find 
rows (ie. “idx”) with multiple variables (e.g. “rrs” and 
“Chla_fluor”). The table “auxiliary_table_contributors.csv” 
contains the number of observations per data contributor, 
variable, and dataset. The remaining four tables (“insi- 
‚udb_rrs_satbands2.csv”, “insitudb_rrs_satbands6.csv”, 
“insitudb_iopskdtsm_satbands2.csv”, and “insi- 
:udb_iopskdtsm_satbands6.csv””) contain the _spectral 
data of the main tables (i.e. “insitudb_rrs.csv” and “insi- 
tudb_iopskdtsm.csv”) aggregated within +2 and +6 nm, 
respectively, of SeaWiFS, MODIS AQUA, MERIS, VIIRS- 
Jands. The tables are generated by assigning, in each 
:ow of the main tables (i.e. “insitudb_rrs.csv” and “in- 
situdb_iopskdtsm.csv”), the closest spectral observation 
within 2nm (or 6nm) of a sensor band. The centre wave- 
jengths of each band and sensor used in the generation of 
the files are the following: SeaWiFS bands 1-8 were centred 
at [412, 443, 490, 510, 555, 670, 765, 865] nm, respectively; 
MODIS-AQUA bands 1—9 were centred at [412, 443, 488, 
531, 547, 667, 678, 748, 869]nm, respectively; MERIS 
bands 1-13 were centred at [412, 442, 490, 510, 560, 
620, 665, 681, 709, 753, 779, 865, 885] nm, respectively; 
VIIRS-SNPP bands 1-6 were centred at [410, 443, 486, 551, 
671, 746] nm, respectively; VIIRS-JPSS bands 1—6 were 
centred at [411, 445, 489, 556, 667, 746] nm, respectively; 
and OLCI-S3A and OLCI-S3B bands 1-15 were centred at 
‚400, 412, 443, 490, 510, 560, 620, 665, 674, 681, 709, 754, 
779, 865, 885] nm. An exception to this procedure was made 
[0 confirm that the correct MOBY data are stored in the files 
(see Sect. 2.2.1. for discussion on how MOBY wavelengths 
are stored in the main file). Finally, a “readme” file is pro- 
vided to help the user. Table 1 shows what the compiled data 
looks like. An example of a query for available chlorophyll 
data from subdataset “seabass_car81” is given. 
zarth Syst. Sci. Data, 14, 5737-5770, 2022 

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