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Full text: A compilation of global bio-optical in situ data for ocean-colour satellite applications

A. Valente et al.: A compilation of global bio-optical in situ data 
2.2.15 The Fisheries and Oceans Canada database for 
biological and chemical data (BIOCHEM) 
BioChem is an archive of marine biological and chem- 
ical data maintained by Fisheries and Oceans Canada 
‚DFO, 2018; Devine et al., 2014). The available obser- 
vations are from department research initiatives and col- 
lected in areas of Canadian interest. Available parame- 
cers include pH, nutrients, chlorophyll, dissolved oxygen, 
and other plankton data (species and biomass). Chloro- 
phyll measurements from in vitro fluorometric meth- 
ods were acquired (from 
data-donnees/biochem/index-eng.html, last access: 18 De- 
cember 2022) with close guidance by the BioChem helpdesk, 
confirming quality and methods. The used data span from 
1997 to 2014 and were mainly from the Gulf of St. 
Lawrence (western North Atlantic). The compiled variable 
was “chla_fluor”. 
I rl 
0 U 1 
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 
wavelength (nm) 
Figure 1. Relative spectral frequency of remote-sensing reflectance 
in the final table, using 10nm wide class intervals, defined as the 
ratio of the number of observations at a particular waveband to the 
total number of observations at all wavebands, multiplied by 100 
to report results in percentage. Data at a total of 951 unique wave- 
lengths, between 313 and 1022.1 nm, were compiled. 
2.2.16 British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) 
BODC is the designated marine science data centre for the 
United Kingdom. The data used in this work derive from 
a specific request for discrete observations of chlorophyll- 
a concentration since 1997. Initially, this request was used 
to compile AMT data (see Sect. 2.2.9). The remaining data 
comprising observations of chlorophyll-a concentration from 
fluorometric and HPLC methods, mostly sampled in the 
North Atlantic, were analysed and added (the “dataset” string 
for this data source is “bodc””). Data not flagged with highest 
quality or without method of measurement were discarded. 
The compiled variables were “chla_hple” and “chla_fluor” 
both Process and CalCOFI-augmented cruises, as well other 
time series. CCELTER data include variables from the phys- 
ical environment, biogeochemistry, and biological popula- 
tions/communities. For this work, chlorophyll observations 
measured from discrete bottle samples from CCELTER Pro- 
cess cruises determined by extraction and bench fluorometry 
(California Current Ecosystem LTER and Goericke, 2020) 
were used. The compiled variable was “chla_fluor” 
2.2.17 California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries 
Investigations (CALCOFD) 
Center for Integrated Marine Technologies 
CalCOFI is a partnership of the California Department of 
Fish & Wildlife, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Ad- 
ministration Fisheries Service, and Scripps Institution of 
Oceanography. CalCOFI has conducted quarterly cruises 
off southern and central California since 1949. Data col- 
lected in the upper 500m include temperature, salinity, 
oxygen, nutrients, chlorophyll, primary productivity, plank- 
con biodiversity, and biomass. For this work, only observa- 
tions of chlorophyll-a concentration derived from fluoromet- 
ic methods flagged with highest quality were used. Data 
were acquired from the file “CalCOFI_Database_194903-”. The compiled variable was 
“chla fluor” 
CIMT was a non-operational program where marine scien- 
tists from different disciplines and institutions combine their 
efforts on observations directed towards understanding the 
central California upwelling system. The CIMT archived 
data include coastal ocean observations from satellites, ship- 
board data, moorings, and large marine animal movements. 
For this work, pigment data from discrete bottle samples 
taken during CIMT monthly cruises were used. Data were ac- 
quired from the project website ( 
portal.htm, last access: 18 December 2022). The compiled 
variable was “chla fluor”. 
2.2.20 CoastColour Round Robin (COASTCOLOUR) 
COASTCOLOUR data sets were designed to evaluate the 
performance of ocean colour satellite algorithms in the re- 
trieval of water quality parameters in coastal waters (Nechad 
et al., 2015a). Three types of COASTCOLOUR data sets 
are available: (1) a match-up data set where in situ bio- 
optical observations are available simultaneously with a 
2.2.18 California Current Ecosystem Long-Term 
Ecoloaical Research (CCELTER) 
CCELTER investigates the California Current coastal pelagic 
ecosystem, with a focus on long-term forcing. The CCEL- 
TER data include primary and derived measurements from 
attos:// /-2027 
Earth Syst. Sei. Data, 14. 5737-5770. 2022

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