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Full text: A compilation of global bio-optical in situ data for ocean-colour satellite applications

2.2.10 International Council for the Exploration of the 
Sea (ICES) 
ICES is a network of more than 4000 scientists from al- 
most 300 institutes, with 1600 scientists participating in ac- 
tivities annually. The ICES Data Centre manages a number 
of large data set collections related to the marine environ- 
ment covering the Northeast Atlantic, Baltic Sea, Greenland 
Sea, and Norwegian Sea. Most of data originate from na- 
tional institutes that are part of the ICES network of mem- 
ber countries. Data were provided (on 28 April 2014) from 
the ICES database on the marine environment (Copenhagen, 
Denmark) following a specific request. The ICES data were 
made available under the ICES data policy, and if there is any 
conflict between this and the policy adopted by the users, 
chen the ICES policy applies. The compiled variables were 
“Chla hple” and “chla fluor”. 
2.2.11 Arctic System Science Primary Production 
ARCSSPP database is a synthesis of observations between 
1954 and 2006 from the Arctic Ocean and northern seas (Ma- 
trai et al., 2013). The observations were acquired from data 
repositories, publications or provided by individual investi- 
gators. The database includes quality-controlled observations 
of productivity and chlorophyll-a, photosynthetically avail- 
able radiation, and hydrographic parameters. This collection 
of data was acquired at 
OAS/prd/accession/download/63065 (last access: 18 Decem- 
ber 2022). For the present work, only observations of 
chlorophyll-a concentration with known time zones were 
used. The compiled chlorophyll observations were from dis- 
crete samples, but the exact method (either “chla_fluor” 
or “chla_hple”) was not available for all observations. 
Thus, the ARCSSPP chlorophyll observations were marked 
as “chla_fluor”, although some might have been from 
HPLC measurements and were flagged with “1” in a 
column “flag_chla_method”. The compiled variable was 
“chla fluor”. 
Data provided by Astrid Bracher, 
Alfred-Wegener-Institute Helmholtz Centre for 
Polar and Marine Research (AW) 
In this work, the AWI data source refers to the group of 
observations that were provided to the OC-CCI project by 
Astrid Bracher. These are bio-optical observations collected 
during several cruises across the globe. All data were avail- 
able through the PANGAEA repository. Observations of con- 
centration of chlorophyll-a, 1 nm spectrally resolved remote 
sensing reflectances, and algal pigment absorption coeffi- 
cient were considered. The methods for these observations 
are described by Taylor et al. (2011a), Liu et al. (2018a), and 
Tilstone et al. (2020). For chlorophyll, data from the follow- 
ing cruises were used: ANT-XXIV/1. ANT-XXIV/4, ANT- 
zarth Syst. Sci. Data. 14. 5737-5770. 202, 
A. Valente et al.: A compilation of global bio-optical in situ data 
XXVI/4, and MSM18/3 (Bracher et al., 2015a); SO202/2 
(Zindler et al., 2013a); ANT-XXVIM (Bracher, 2015); ANT- 
XXV/1 (Taylor et al., 2011b); ANT-XXVIIV3 and SO218 
(Soppa et al., 2014); ANT23-1 (Bracher et al., 2015b); 
MSMO9-1 (Bracher et al., 2017); M91 (Hepach et al., 2016); 
S$O234+235 (Bracher et al., 2019); SO243 (Bracher, 2019a); 
PS93.2 (Liu et al., 2018b); HE462 (Bracher and Wieg- 
mann, 2019); PS99.1 (Liu et al., 2019a); PS99.2 (Liu et al., 
21018c); PS103 (Bracher, 2019b); PS107 (Liu et al., 20184); 
and PS113 (Bracher et al., 2020). Concerning remote sens- 
ing reflectances, the observations taken during cruises ANT- 
XXIV/4 and ANT-XXVI/4 (Bracher et al., 2015a), ANT- 
XXV/1 (Taylor et al., 2011b), and ARK26-3 (Bracher et 
al., 2018) were gathered. The remote sensing reflectances 
were corrected for the bidirectional nature of the light field 
(Morel and Gentili, 1996; Morel et al., 2002). The absorp- 
tion coefficients were taken during cruises SO202/2 (Zindler 
et al., 2013), ANT_XXV/1 (Taylor et al., 2011b), ANT- 
XXVIW/3 and ANT-XXVIIM3 (Soppa et al., 2013), ARK26-3 
(Goncalves-Araujo et al., 2018), PS93.2 (Wiegmann et al., 
2019), PS99.2 (Liu et al., 2019b), and PS107 (Liu et al., 
20190). The compiled variables were “chla_hple”, “rrs”, and 
2.2.13 Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) 
BATS is a long-term study by the Bermuda Institute of Ocean 
Sciences based on regular cruises in the western Atlantic 
Ocean (Sargasso Sea) since 1988. The cruises at BATS site 
(= 31°40'N, 64°10 W) sample ocean temperature and salin- 
ity, but are focused on biogeochemical variables such as nu- 
trients, dissolved inorganic carbon, oxygen, HPLC of pig- 
ments, primary production, and sediment trap flux. In this 
work, all the phytoplankton pigment data available from 
the BATS website (, last ac- 
cess: 18 December 2022) were considered, which also in- 
cluded regional and transect cruises not specific to the nomi- 
nal BATS site. The compiled variables were “chla_hplc” and 
Data provided by Knut Yngve Bersheim 
Ihe BARENTSSEA data source refers to a group of ob- 
servations that were provided to OC-CCI project by Knut 
Yngve Bgrsheim. This collection was developed using data 
from the archives of the Institute of Marine Research (Nor- 
way). It comprises observations of temperature, salinity and 
chlorophyll-a routinely collected by cruises, mainly in the 
North Sea, the Norwegian Sea, and the Barents Sea between 
1997 and 2013. The chlorophyll-a concentration was mea- 
sured by filtering and extraction using Turner fluorometers. 
The compiled variable was “chla_fluor”. 

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