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Full text: A compilation of global bio-optical in situ data for ocean-colour satellite applications

A. Valente et al.: A compilation of global bio-optical in situ data 
Table 2. Continued. 
Data source Description 
TPSS Compilation of bio-optical data predominantly from the 
Northwest Atlantic, but also from the Indian Ocean, South 
Pacific, and Central Atlantic. Provided by Trevor Platt and 
Shubha Sathyendranath. Compiled standard variables: 
‘“chla_hple”, “chla_fluor”, “aph”. 
Data contributors 
Trevor Platt, Shubha Sathyendranath 
Data collection from the TARA global transects. Provided Emmanuel Boss 
by Emmanvwvel Boss. All data available in SeaBASS. Com- 
piled standard variables: “chla_hple”, “rrs”. 
be used. For validation of bands 1-7 of MODIS AQUA, 
MOBY data stored in the final merged table at 416, 442, 
489, 530, 547, 665, and 677 nm, respectively, should be 
used. For validation of bands 1-10 of MERIS, MOBY data 
stored in the final merged table at 410.5, 440.4, 487.8, 
507.7, 557.6, 617.5, 662.4, 679.9, 706.2, and 752.5 nm, 
respectively, are the appropriate data. For validation of 
3ands 1-12 of OLCI-S3A, MOBY data stored in the final 
merged table at 400.3032, 411.8453, 442.9626, 490.493, 
510.4676, 560.4503, 620.4092, 665.2744, 674.0251, 
681.5705, 709.1149, and 754.1813, respectively, are the 
appropriate data. For validation of bands 1-12 of OLCI-S3B, 
MOBY data stored in the final merged table at 400.5947, 
411.9509, 442.9882, 490.3991, 510.4022, 560.3664, 
620.284, 665.1312, 673.8682, 681.3856, 708.9821, and 
754.0284, respectively, are the appropriate data. For vali- 
dation of bands 1—5 of VURS-SNPP, MOBY data stored 
in the final merged table at 412.9, 444.5, 481.2, 556.3, and 
674.6 nm, respectively, are the appropriate data. Finally, 
for validation of bands 1-5 of VIIRS-JSPP, MOBY data 
stored in the final merged table at 411, 445, 489.01, 556, 
and 667 nm, respectively, are the appropriate data. For the 
latter sensor, the original value was 489nm, but it was 
changed to 489.01 nm to differentiate from the 489nm of 
MODIS AQUA. The lookup table to fully normalize “rrs” 
only covers the range 413-660 nm; compared to the previous 
versions of the compilation, in the present version, the “rrs” 
MOBY at wavelengths outside this range were not discarded 
and fully normalized using the closest entry of the lookup 
table (i.e. at 413 or 660 nm). 
ous mode every 15 min at two depths (4 and 9 m nominally). 
The monthly cruises are devoted to the mooring servicing, 
[0 the collection of vertical profiles of radiometry and IOPs, 
and to water sampling at 11 depths from the surface down to 
200 m, for subsequent analyses including phytoplankton pig- 
ments, particulate absorption, CDOM absorption, and sus- 
pended particulate matter load. The BOUSSOLE mooring 
is in the western Mediterranean Sea at a water depth of 
2400 m. All pigment (2001-2019) and radiometric (two sub- 
sets: 2003-2012 and 2015-2019) data were provided by the 
Principal Investigators. The first radiometric subset was ob- 
tained from measurements made with multispectral Satlantic 
OCI-200 radiometers; the second radiometric subset was ob- 
tained from measurements made with hyperspectral Satlantic 
OCR radiometers, convolved with spectral response function 
of Sentinel3 OLCI-A bands. The compiled variables were 
“rrs” and “chla_hple”. Remote-sensing reflectance was com- 
puted from the original “fully-normalized”” water-leaving ra- 
diance (“nLw_ex’””), which is the “normalized” water-leaving 
radiance (“nLw” previously described), with a correction for 
the bidirectional nature of the light field (Morel and Gentili, 
1996; Morel et al., 2002). The solar irradiance (“Fo”) was 
computed from two available variables in the original set of 
data: the normalized water-leaving radiance (“nLw””) and the 
remote-sensing reflectance (“rrs”), using the equation “Fo = 
nLw/rrs”. Only radiometric observations that meet the fol- 
lowing criteria were used: (1) tilt of the buoy was less than 
10°; (2) the buoy was not lowered by more than 2 m as com- 
pared to its nominal water line (to ensure the Es reference 
sensor is above water and exempt from sea spray); and (3) the 
solar irradiance was within 10% of its theoretical clear-sky 
value (determined from Gregg and Carder, 1990). The latter 
criterion was used to select clear skies only. An additional 
quality control was to remove observations that were 50 % 
higher or lower than the daily average. This removed a small 
number of “spikes” in the time series. The final quality con- 
trol step was to remove days where the standard deviation 
was more than half of the daily average. This was meant to 
identify days with high variability. Very few days (N =2) 
were removed with this test. These quality control criteria 
2.2.2 BOU&6e pour l’acquiSition de Series Optiques a 
1ong termE (BOUSSOLE) 
BOUSSOLE project started in 2001 with the objective of es- 
tablishing a time series of bio-optical properties in oceanic 
waters to support the calibration and validation of ocean 
colour satellite sensors (Antoine et al., 2006). The project 
consists of a monthly cruise program and a permanent op- 
tical mooring (Antoine et al., 2008). The mooring collects 
radiometry and inherent optical properties (IOPs) in continu- 
attos:// /-202; 
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 14, 5737-5770, 2022

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