A. Valente et al.: A compilation of global bio-optical in situ data
Table 2. Continued.
Data source Description
BARENTSSEA Data collection from cruises of the Institute of Marine Re-
search (Norway) mainly around the Barents Sea. Provided
»y Knut Yngve Bgrsheim. Compiled standard variable:
“chla fluor’?
Data contributors
Knut Yngve Bgrsheim
Data collection from the “Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Not available
Study”. Available from BATS website. Compiled stan-
dard variables: “chla_ fluor”, “chla_hplc”
The Fisheries and Oceans Canada database for biolog- Diane Archambault, Hughes Benoit, Esther Bon-
ical and chemical data. Mostly data from Gulf of St. neau, Eugene Colbourne, Alain Gagne, Yves
Lawrence. Available from BIOCHEM website. Compiled Gagnon, Tom Hurlbut, Catherine Johnson, Pierre
standard variable: “Cchla_fluor”. Joly, Maurice Levasseur, Patrick Ouellet, Jacques
Plourde, Luc Savoie, Michael Scarratt, Philippe
Schwab, Michel Starr, Francois Villeneuve
BODC “British Oceanographic Data Centre”. Mainly European
Seas. Provided by BODC. Compiled standard variables:
“Chla fluor”. “chla_ hple”
Not available
Cruise data from the “California Cooperative Oceanic Ralf Goericke
Fisheries Investigations” program. Available from Cal-
COFTI website. Compiled standard variable: “chla_fluor”.
Cruise data from “California Current Ecosystem Long Ralf Goericke
Term Ecological Research”. Available from CCELTER
website. Compiled standard variable: “Chla fAnor”
Sampling from the “Center for Integrated Marine Tech- Raphael Kudela
nology” (California). Available from CIMT website.
Compiled standard variable: “chla_fluor”.
COASTCOLOUR Quality controlled compilation of bio-optical data in Not available
several coastal sites. Available from PANGAEA. Com:
led standard variables: “chla_ fluor”, “Cchla hplc”, “rrs”.
‘aph”. “adg”, “bbp”. “tsm”
Sampling from the “Estaciön Europea de Series Tempo- Octavio Llinas and Andres Cianca
rales del Oceano” Canary Islands. Provided by Andres
Cianca. Compiled standard variable: “chla fluor”
Australian National Reference Stations — Phytoplankton
HPLC Pigment Composition Analysis. Available from
the Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN). Compiled
standard variable: “chla_hplc”.
Bio-optical Database of Australian Waters. Available
from the Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN). Com-
piled standard variables: “Chla_hple” “chla fAnor”
Quality controlled global compilation of chla HPLC.
Available from PANGAEA. Compiled standard variable:
Lesley Clementson, Bozena Wojtasiewicz
Janet Anstee, Lesley Clementson, Joey Crosswell,
Britta Schaffelke, Thomas Schroeder, Bernadette
Slovan. Paul Thomson and Tom Trull
Ray Barlow, Robert Bidigare, Herve Claustre,
Denise Cummings, Giacomo DiTullio, Chris Galli-
enne, Ralf Goericke, Patrick Holligan, David Karl.
Michael Landry, Michael Lomas, Michael Lucas,
Jean-Claude Marty, Walker Smith, Denise Smythe-
Wright, Rick Stumpf, Emilio Suarez, Koji Suzuki.
Maria Vernet., Simon Wrischt
“Palmer station Long-term KEcological Research” Oscar Schofield, Raymond Smith, Maria Vernet
‚Antarctica). Available from PALMER website. Com-
piled standard variahles: “chla_flunor”. “Chla_ hple”
SEADATANET Global archive of in situ marine data. Available from Not available
SEADATANET website. Compiled standard variable:
“Cchla fluor”.
zarth Syst. Sci. Data. 14. 5737-5770. 2022