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Full text: The Copernicus Surface Velocity Platform drifter with Barometerand Reference Sensor for Temperature (SVP-BRST)

P. Poli et al.: SVP-BRST: genesis, design, and initial results 
Ocean Sci., 15,199-214, 2019 
to yield data that reflect the diurnal cycle without the effect 
of heat conduction from the buoy and heating of the sen 
sor by direct solar radiation. Third, a better-documented pro 
tocol is needed for initial sensor calibration, allowing post 
mission recalibration, to avoid introducing additional uncer 
tainty through the use of unspecified calibration procedures. 
Fourth, traceability to national metrological standards needs 
to be established. 
These findings were taken on-board to design a novel sen 
sor package for SVP-B, for the sake of providing FRM SST 
data for the calibration and validation of satellite SST. The 
new buoy, called S VP-BRST, carries two SST sensors: one of 
standard manufacture, the other of absolute uncertainty better 
than 0.01 K (absolute uncertainty refers here to expanded un 
certainty). In addition to measuring SST with improved cali 
bration, the HRSST sensor also includes a hydrostatic water 
pressure sensor. The present paper indicates the initial de 
sign, which may evolve slightly as experience is gained from 
expected future deployments in greater numbers. 
The two prototypes deployed in the Mediterranean Sea 
feature, before release, deviations within 0.01 K from a ref 
erence SBE-35 thermometer. Once freely drifting, the buoys 
observe that the SST spread within 5 min is usually smaller 
than 0.1 K, especially when the sea state is well mixed and 
the buoys are within an eddy core. The availability of per 
centiles from the 5 min distribution of SST sampled at 1 Hz 
(by a sensor with a fast response time) should help users im 
prove their data processing chain to move towards an ensem 
ble approach. The results in this paper suggest that it is im 
portant to consider the sea-state mixing and the ocean surface 
circulation to understand the representativeness of the in situ 
SST data, as they both affect observed SST variations (within 
the day and within 5 min). Consequently, they may both be 
worth considering in the process of satellite SST cal/val. 
In addition, a fairly standard analysis, where ocean dynam 
ics behavior can be inferred from the buoy data, suggests that 
the high-resolution SST data hold a wealth of information. 
Properly analyzed and interpreted, these data can provide a 
useful insight of the dynamics of the sampled area, especially 
when the Supplement is brought into the picture to consider 
sea state and ocean surface circulation. Even more interesting 
may be to collect full samples of 1 Hz data, when possible, 
in addition to the summaries of the distribution with five per 
centiles. Such a high-frequency HRSST dataset (HFHRSST) 
may serve other applications beyond satellite SST ca/val, 
such as fine-scale model developments and enhanced under 
standing of SST variability. 
Future efforts include evaluation of the HRSST sensor 
drift. This will be done by keeping one SVP-BRST buoy at 
post in a monitored environment, and by recovering as many 
SVP-BRST buoys as possible. The goal will be to assess 
whether the temporal stability of SST from drifting buoys is 
within ±0.01 Kyear -1 after manufacture. This is important 
for climate monitoring, as initial results from past HRSST-2 
buoys, presented in this paper, suggest temporal drifts that 
are systematically negative and close to this figure, though 
the very small number of drifting buoys surveyed (three) is 
not significant enough to be conclusive. At least 100 SVP- 
BRST buoys are expected to be deployed in the next 3 years, 
with a view to cover a wide range of atmospheric and oceano 
graphic conditions. 
Data availability. The HRSST-2 SVP-B and SVP-BS data are 
available from the Copernicus In Situ Thematic Assembly Center 
(, Coper 
nicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service, 2019). The SVP- 
BRST prototype drifter data used in this publication are available 
in open access: (Poli et al., 
2018). Reanalysis ERA5 data are available from the Copernicus Cli 
mate Change Service. 
Supplement. The supplement related to this article is available 
online at: 
Author contributions. PP drafted the main text of this paper, pre 
pared several of the figures and corresponding scientific analysis, 
and prepared the manuscript for submission. ML drafted the intro 
duction and, along with GC, contributed results and scientific anal 
ysis. AD and MLM contributed to the buoy design and calibration. 
PB, DM, AO’C, KH, and CM contributed to the buoy design and 
scientific analysis. 
Competing interests. Paul Poli, Marc Lucas, Anne O’Carroll, 
Marc Le Menn, Arnaud David, Gary K. Corlett, Pierre Blouch, 
Mathieu Belbeoch, and Kai Herklotz are participants in the 
TRUSTED project (see acknowledgements), which funds the de 
velopment of the SVP-BRST buoy, as well as manufacturing of a 
series of units, deployments, and data and metadata acquisition and 
processing. David Meldrum and Christopher J. Merchant declare no 
conflict of interest. 
Acknowledgements. The authors are funded by their respective 
institutions. Additional support, including the development of the 
SVP-BRST prototypes and the resulting data analyses, is provided 
by the European Union’s Copernicus program for funding the 
development of the SVP-BRST drifting buoys under the project 
“Towards Fiducial Reference Measurements from HRSST drifting 
buoys for Copernicus satellite validation” as part of the TRUSTED 
project led by CLS, with buoy manufacturing by NKE, calibration 
by SHOM, coordination of deployments by Météo-France, provi 
sion of a tethered reference measurement by BSH, and metadata 
processing and deployment monitoring visualization tools by 
JCOMMOPS. This publication contains modified Copernicus 
Climate Change Service Information (2018) (C3S, 2017). 
Edited by: Piers Chapman 
Reviewed by: two anonymous referees

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