A. Boesch and S. Müller-Navarra: Reassessment of long-period constituents for tidal predictions
Ocean Sei., 15,1363-1379,2019
to have one comprehensive set of constituents that can be
used for all tide gauges under investigation. Horn (1960) pre
sented a list of 44 angular velocities that were used with the
HRoI. This selection of partial tides was probably utilized
until the year 1969 when the set was slightly modified (cf.
Table 2 in Sect. 2). To our knowledge, no documentation of
the methods and specific water level records that were used
to prepare these lists of angular velocities exists.
The objective of this work is to review the set of partial
tides used with the HRoI by determining the most impor
tant long-period constituents for application in the German
Bight. Therefore, we perform a spectral analysis of water
level observations from 111 tide gauges. The available tide
gauge data are presented in Sect. 3. The analysis of high-
and low-water time series is described in Sect. 4. In Sect. 5,
tidal predictions based on an existing list of partial tides and
predictions based on the new set are compared with observed
water levels. The article closes with a comparison of predic
tions made with the HRoI and the harmonic method for two
sites (Sect. 6) and the conclusions (Sect. 7).
2 Harmonic representation of inequalities
The harmonic representation of inequalities (HRoI) is a
derivative of the non-harmonic method by essentially trans
lating it into an analytical form. The non-harmonic method
has been used for a long time, e.g. by Lubbock (1831) for
the analysis of tides in the port of London. With the non
harmonic method, the times of high and low waters are cal
culated by adding mean lunitidal intervals and correspond
ing inequalities to the times of lunar transits. Likewise, the
heights of high and low waters are determined by adding cor
responding inequalities to the respective mean heights. The
inequalities are corrections for the relative positions of earth,
moon and sun (e.g. semi-monthly, parallactic, declination).
The original implementation of the HRoI, as introduced by
Horn (1948, 1960), can be used to calculate vertices of tide
curves, i.e. high-water time, high-water height, low-water
time and low-water height. In this form the method is tailored
to semi-diurnal tides. Miiller-Navarra (2013) shows how the
HRoI may be generalized to predict tidal heights at equidis
tant fractions of the mean lunar day. This generalization al
lows for the determination of the full tidal curve at a chosen
sampling interval. Here, we focus only on the application of
calculating the times and heights of high and low waters.
According to Horn (1960), the HRoI combines the best
from the harmonic and the non-harmonic methods: the ana
lytical procedure of the first method and the principle of cal
culating isolated values directly, which a is characteristic of
the second. The strength of the HRoI lies in the prediction of
times and heights of high and low water when the full tidal
curve is considerably non-sinusoidal. This is frequently the
case in shallower waters, such as the German Bight, and in
rivers. As the HRoI uses only observed times and/or heights
Table 1. The high and low waters are classified into four types
(event index k).
k Description
1 high water assigned to upper transit
2 low water assigned to upper transit
3 high water assigned to lower transit
4 low water assigned to lower transit
of high and/or low waters, the method can also be applied
when a record of the full tidal curve is not available (e.g. his
toric data) or when a tide gauge runs dry around low water
(e.g. analysis of only high waters).
Let (tj,hj), j = 1,..., /, be a time series of length J of
high- and low-water heights hj recorded at times tj. All
times need to be given in UTC. The HRoI method is based
on the assumption that the variations in the individual heights
and lunitidal intervals around their respective mean values
can be described by sums of harmonic functions. The luni
tidal interval is the time difference between the time tj and
the corresponding lunar transit at Greenwich. As a general
rule, the daily higher high water and the following low water
are assigned to the previous upper lunar transit, and the daily
lower high water and the following low water are assigned to
the previous lower transit. For example, in the year 2018, the
mean lunitidal interval for high (low) water was determined
to be 9 h 4 min (16 h 5 min) for Borkum and 15 h 22 min (22 h
32 min) for Hamburg. See Fig. 1 in Sect. 3 for the locations
of these two sites.
A convenient method to organize high and low waters of
semi-diurnal tides is the lunar transit number n t (Müller-
Navarra, 2009). It counts the number of upper lunar transits
(unit symbol: tn) at the Greenwich meridian since the tran
sit on 31 December 1949, which has been arbitrarily set to
iii — 0 to- A lower transit always has the same transit number
as the preceding upper transit. Each high and low water is
uniquely identified by using the number, n t , of the assigned
lunar transit and an additional event index, k, as defined in
Table 1. The differentiation between upper and lower tran
sits allows for changes in the moon’s declination which al
ternately advance and retard times, and increase and decrease
the heights of successive tides (diurnal inequality).
A full tidal analysis with the HRoI comprises the inves
tigation of eight time series (heights and lunitidal intervals
of the four event types listed in Table 1). Each time series is
described by a model function, y, of the following form:
y(n t ) — a 0 + ^ [a t cos(&>;n t ) + a i+L sin(&>;n t )] . (1)