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Full text: Reassessment of long-period constituents for tidal predictions along the German North Sea coast and its tidally influenced rivers

A. Boesch and S. Müller-Navarra: Reassessment of long-period constituents for tidal predictions 
Ocean Sei., 15,1363-1379, 2019 
Author contributions. Both authors designed the study and dis 
cussed the results. AB analysed the data and prepared the article 
with input from SMN. 
Competing interests. The authors declare that they have no conflict 
of interest. 
Special issue statement. This article is part of the special 
issue “Developments in the science and history of tides 
(OS/ACP/HGSS/NPG/SE inter-journal SI)”. It is not associ 
ated with a conference. 
Review statement. This paper was edited by Philip Woodworth and 
reviewed by three anonymous referees. 
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