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Full text: Geological Development of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea

Die Kuste, 74 ICCE (2008), 1-17 
20.000 15.000 10.000 5.000 0 Ycar\ Bl’ 
m NN 
Fig. 4: Relative sea level rise since the last glacial maximum. The age is given in conventional 14 C dates. 
The marine transgression is divided into 3 phases. The last phase, which lasts since 7,100 years BP, led 
to the development of the present landscape (Streif, 2004) 
sediment accumulation 
0 dune sands (aeolian) | tidal deposits (Inter-to sub-tidal) 
| marin sand (shore) | deposits in brakish water | pleistocene deposits 
tidal sediments (tidal channels) | peat layer modrfMd «ft«- strof 1990 rn^amtsmt 
Fig. 5: Schematic cross-section through the Holocene coastal accumulation wedge; example from 
Lower Saxony (Streif, 1990; modified)

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