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Full text: The Baltic Sea Chart Datum 2000 (BSCD2000) : implementation of a common reference level in the Baltic Sea

MAY 2020 
Figure 2 (a-e): Examples of differences between national heights and zero-tide EVRF2019 
a) Height differences go 
ing from the national 
height reference frame of 
Germany (DHHN2016, 
north of the 53.5° parallel) 
to zero-tide EVRF2019 
(mean -1 mm; min. -8 
mm; max. +4 mm) 
-0.02 -0.01 0.00 0.01 0.02 
b) Height differences going from the national 
height reference frame of Denmark (DVR90) 
to zero-tide EVRF2019 (mean +1 mm; min. 
-12 mm; max. +13 mm) 
-0.02 -0.01 0.00 0.01 0.02

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