Frontiers in Marine Science |
March 2019 | Volume 6 | Article 103
V* frontiers
in Marine Science
published: 19 March 2019
doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00103
The ICES Working Group on Oceanic
Hydrography: A Bridge From In-situ
Sampling to the Remote
Autonomous Observation Era
Edited by:
Sanae Chiba,
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth
Science and Technology Japan
Reviewed by:
Christoph Waidmann,
University of Bremen, Germany
Oscar Schofield,
Rutgers University, United States
César Gonzáiez-Poia
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Ocean Observation,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Marine Science
Received: 31 October 2018
Accepted: 20 February 2019
Published: 19 March 2019
Gonzáiez-Poia C, Fratantoni P
Larsen KMH, Holliday NR Dye S,
Mork KA, Beszczynska-Moller A,
Valdimarsson H, Trofimov A, Parner H,
Klein H, Cisewski B, Fontán A,
Lyons K, Kolodziejczyk N, Grana R,
Unders J, Wodzinowski T Goszczko I
and Cusack C (2019) The ICES
Working Group on Oceanic
Hydrography: A Bridge From In-situ
Sampling to the Remote Autonomous
Observation Era.
Front. Mar. Sci. 6:103.
doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00103
César González-Pola Paula Fratantoni 2 , Karin M. H. Larsen 3 , N. Penny Holliday 4 ,
Stephen Dye 5 , Kjell Arne Mork 6 , Agnieszka Beszczynska-Moller 7 , Hedinn Valdimarsson 8 ,
Alexander Trofimov 3 , Hjalte Parner 10 , Holger Klein ", Boris Cisewski 12 ,
Almudena Fontán 13 , Kieran Lyons 14 , Nicolas Kolodziejczyk 15 , Rocío Grafía 1 ,
Johanna Linders 16 , Tycjan Wodzinowski 17 , Ilona Goszczko 7 and Caroline Cusack 14
’ Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO), Oceanographic Center of Gijón, Gijdn, Spain, 3 NOAA NMFS Northeast Fisheries
Science Center, Woods Hole, MA, United States, 3 Faroe Marine Research Institute, Torshavn, Faroe Islands, 4 National
Oceanography Centre, Southampton, United Kingdom, 5 Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science,
Lowestoft, United Kingdom, 6 Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway, 7 Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of
Sciences, Sopot, Poland, 3 Marine and Freshwater Research Institute, Reykjavik, Iceland, 9 Knipovich Polar Research Institute
of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography, Murmansk, Russia, International Council for the Exploration of the Sea,
Copenhagen, Denmark, ’ ’ Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH), Hamburg, Germany, 13 Thünen Institute of Sea
Fisheries, Bremerhaven, Germany, 13 AZTI Marine Research, Pasaia, Spain, “ Marine Institute, Gaiway, Ireland, ,s LOPS
laboratory (UBO-CNRS-lfremer-IRD), University of Brest, Piouzané, France, 16 Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological
Institute, Norrkoping, Sweden, ,7 National Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Gdynia, Poland
The ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea) Working Group on Oceanic
Hydrography (WGOH) was established In the late 1970’s with the aim of gathering
experts In physical oceanography to provide regular science-based assessments of
the North Atlantic hydrographical condition (basically termohallne fields). From the
beginning, the WGOH has relied on repeated long-term in-situ sampling at key sites
around the North Atlantic, the Nordic Seas and adjacent shelf seas. An annual
Report on Ocean Climate (IROC), produced by the WGOH since the late 1990’s,
summarizes trends In regional hydrography and identifies patterns linking these changes
across the North Atlantic. Regional analyses are prepared by local experts who are
directly involved In the monitoring programs responsible for collecting data presented
in the report. An interactive webpage created In 2013 allows users to browse and
download data that inform the IROC. Within the last two decades the physical
oceanography community has evolved quickly incorporating technological advances
such as autonomous devices Into classical in-situ sampling programs. The WGOH
has embraced such technological developments without diverting focus from ongoing
in-situ long-term monitoring programs. Having longstanding experience synthesizing
data and expertise from a large number of operational programs spanning an extensive
international footprint, the WGOH has a unique perspective to offer the global ocean
observing community. Here we discuss how we might foster connections with ICES to
benefit the GOOS (Global Ocean Observing System) community.
Keywords: ocean climate, hydrography, timeseries, in-situ sampling, periodical report, science to policy, North