Dt. hydrogr. Z. 44. 1991/92. H. 3. K 1c in et al.. Currents; German Bight
Additionally, the sediments are exposed to the lo-and-fro motion induced by surface waves.
The maximum velocity of these oscillatory currents reach 37 cm/s at 20 m depth for a 6-second
wave with a significant wave height of 2.3 nt — typical for this area. On January 25/26,' 1990,
a wave rider buoy westwards off Sylt (see Fig. 1) recorded a significant wave height of 5 in
and a period of about 9 s al a total depth of 19 m (Berger |199l|). The corresponding
maximum orbital velocities at the bottom are about 150 cm/s. Regarding the offshore wind
direction of the storm in the TOPEX area, the increase of sea stale is probably smaller, but
wave-induced near-bottom orbital currents up to about 100 cm/s can be assumed.
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Eingegangen am 18. März 1992
Angenommen am 8. Mai 1992
Anschrift der Verfasser:
Holger Klein
Dr. Ekkehard Mittelstaedl
Bundesamt für Seeschiffahrt und Hydrographie, Bcrnhard-Nocht-StraBe 78, 2000 Hamburg 36