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Full text: Effects of chemical dispersants on oil spill drift paths in the German Bight - probabilistic assessment based on numerical ensemble simulations

Geo-Mar Lett (2017) 37:163-170 
Ô Springer 
French-McCay and Graham (2014) concluded that using 
dispersants may generate a net environmental benefit if the 
region within which water column biota would be exposed 
to dispersed oil is smaller than the region within which wild 
life would be exposed to oil floating on the surface. Flowever, 
for the German North Sea coast and Wadden Sea, decision 
making should also consider that in shallow intertidal areas 
interactions of dispersed oil with the sediment could be par 
ticularly relevant. Several biological habitats and communities 
are highly sensitive to untreated oil slicks, including mussel 
beds, shell mounds, sea grass meadows, salt marshes and 
stocks of resting and moulting birds. During 1 to 2 months 
in summer moulting birds are just swimming or drifting on the 
water, unable to fly. During this time they are much more 
vulnerable to untreated oil slicks than to chemically dispersed 
oil. Stock sizes and population dynamics are well known and 
monitored in the region (e.g. Koffijberg et al. 2003; Garthe 
et al. 2012). In some areas, stocks can reach far more than 
100,000 individuals. 
One aspect that often attracts less attention than it deserves 
is the simple fact that an oil slick’s drift path would be altered 
by the application of chemical dispersants (API 1999). Oil 
dispersed in the water column remains sheltered from extra 
wind forcing as the most important driver for oil slicks drifting 
on the surface. Such changes of drift paths may prevent sen 
sitive areas from being polluted, depending on prevailing 
wind and marine transport conditions. The present study fo 
cuses on this purely physical effect. Based on large ensemble 
simulations, chances of a successful reduction of pollution in 
sensitive areas were quantified probabilistically as a function 
of the location where an accident takes place. The criterion 
“successful” is defined as a reduction of at least 95% of oil 
entering sensitive areas. To enable a realistic representation of 
a large variety of different meteo-marine conditions, the sim 
ulations were initiated every 28 h within the 7 year period 
2008-2014. The study postpones the dispersant-specific ques 
tion of how effectively a particular oil type would be dispersed 
in a given environment. Of course, that is not to say that 
decision making in real hazardous situations would not re 
quire the inclusion of case-specific information regarding var 
ious aspects of the specific problem concerned. 
The study is part of a German scientific project carried out 
by an interdisciplinary research consortium addressing vari 
ous European and German regulations to assess the state ofthe 
marine environment in the German Bight, SE North Sea (for 
overviews, see Winter et al. 2014; Winter et al.. Introduction 
article for this special issue). Until now, the capability of dis 
persants to protect coastal areas along the German part of the 
Wadden Sea is unknown, especially in the case of inshore oil 
spills. Therefore, the purpose of this work is to delineate the 
maximum range of drift path changes brought about by chem 
ical dispersants simply by decreasing wind forcing. This in 
formation provides a key ingredient for a follow-up net 
environmental benefit analysis (NEBA) focusing on the eco 
logical consequences of dispersant use. 
The study analyses ensembles of hypothetical oil releases 
from 636 cells of a regular grid with about 5 km resolution. 
Disregarding the initial spreading phase, 2,190 hypothetical 
oil spills (every 28 h in the years 2008-2014) were initiated 
from each grid cell. For all accidents, 7 day drift paths were 
calculated both with and without the assumed application of 
chemical dispersants. In each of these about 2x1.4 million 
simulations, 1,000 tracer particles represent either pure oil or 
an oil-dispersant mixture. 
Ensembles of simulations started according to a regular 
time schedule represent both frequencies and successions of 
different weather conditions in a realistic way. In this study, oil 
drifts are calculated using the offline Lagrangian transport 
toolbox PELETS-2D (Program for the Evaluation of 
Lagrangian Ensemble Transport Simulations, (Tallies et al. 
2011), designed for conducting and evaluating comprehensive 
ensemble simulations based on 2D hydrodynamic fields. 
Marine currents were specified based on the 3D operational 
circulation model BSFtcmod of the Federal Maritime and 
Hydrographic Agency (BSH) with 900 m resolution in the 
German Bight (Dick et al. 2001). BSHcmod is forced by 
winds from the regional model COSMO-EU (Consortium 
for Small-Scale Modelling) of the German Meteorological 
Service (DWD) with a spatial resolution of about 7 km over 
Europe. Both atmospheric and marine fields are available on a 
15 minute basis. For drifting oil slicks, currents from the top 
layer of BSHcmod were selected, plus an extra wind drift 
parameterized as 0.018 times the wind velocity in 10 m height 
(Huber et al. 1987). By contrast, oil-dispersant mixtures sub 
merged into the water column were assumed to be transported 
with vertically averaged BSHcmod currents. All particle tra 
jectories were calculated including the effects of random 
movements due to subscale turbulence effects. 
Using a 2D approach obviously means a substantial simplifi 
cation. Further simplifications stem from the complete neglect of 
any oil weathering processes. Implications of these assumptions 
were exemplified by comparing results of the simplified ap 
proach used in this study with corresponding detailed simulations 
based on the fully fledged Lagrangian transport model PADM 
(PArticle Dispersion Model). PADM is the numerical core of the 
drift forecasting and backtracking system SeatrackWeb (STW; 
Ambjom et al. 2013; Matknann et al. 2014) operated by the BSH 
to provide advice to the Central Command for Maritime 
Emergencies Germany (CCME, Havariekommando). PADM is 
forced by full 3D current fields from BSHcmod and accounts for 
all relevant weathering processes. To mimic the influence of 
100% effective chemical dispersants evaluated in this study, the

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