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Full text: Effects of chemical dispersants on oil spill drift paths in the German Bight - probabilistic assessment based on numerical ensemble simulations

Geo-Mar Lett (2017) 37:163-170 
*£) Springer 
Fig. 1 Simulation of two 
hypothetical oil releases on 15th 
March 2008 at high tide, based on 
the oil drift model PADM and 
PELETS-2D. Black ship 
symbols indicate locations of 
assumed accidents, dots dispersed 
oil, filled circles undispersed oil 
on surface, light blue intertidal 
areas of Wadden Sea. Particle 
locations calculated with PADM 
and PELETS-2D are colour 
coded in red and blue 
respectively. Centres of gravity of 
simulated particle clouds are 
indicated by white squares for 
PELETS and white triangles for 
PADM. Top panel Particle 
locations for scenario 1 after 5 
days, four bottom panels particle 
locations for scenario 2 after 1 to 
5 days 
Scenario 1 after 5 days: 
PADM - dispersed 
O PADM - undispersed 
A Center of gravity PADM 
PELETS - dispersed 
O PELETS - undispersed 
□ Center of gravity PELETS 
Amrum« ^ 
/ 0 
Scenario 1 
- 54°0'0"N 
7°30'0"E 8°0'0"E 
1 day 
2 days 
3 days 
5 days 
low, its application would increase the dissolution of toxic 
oil components in the sea. Therefore, the application of 
dispersants may be inappropriate in the vicinity of sensi 
tive habitats if concentrations are expected to stay high 
long enough for toxic effects. Some sub-lethal effects 
from an exposure of fish to dispersed oil were observed 
in the DISCOBIOL research program (Le Floch et al. 
2014). Toxic effects become less likely when dispersants 
are applied in deep water with sufficiently high mixing 
rates (EMSA 2009; Lee et al. 2011).

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