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Full text: Oil Spill Identification - Round Robin 2005

Oil Spill identification - Round Robin 20045 
Abstract 9 
1. Introduction 11 
1.1 Invitation 11 
1.2 Samples 12 
1.3 Sample preparation 13 
1.4 Report 15 
2. Individual results 17 
2.1 Beheerseenheid Mathematisch Model van de Noordzee 
2.2 Centre de Documentation de Recherche et d'Experimentation 
sur les pollutions accidentelles des eaux (Cedre) 18 
2.3 LAS EM 19 
2.4 LVA 20 
2.5 The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) 21 
2.6 The National Environmental Research Institute (NERI)22 
2.7 Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI) 22 
2.8 Petrobas 23 
2.9 Rijksinstituut voor Integraal Zoetwaterbeheer en 
Afvalwaterbehandeling (RIZA) 23 
2.10 Sintef 24 
2.11 Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science (SKL) 
2.12 Waterschap Regge en Dinkel (WRD) 26 
3. Discussion 27 
3.1 Introduction 27 
3.2 GC-screening 28 
3.3 Obvious differences in the mass-chromatograms 33 
3.4 Comparison of compound ratios 35 
3.5 Number of ratios 42 
3.6 Sesquiterpanes. 42 
4. Conclusions 47 
5. Future aspects49 
5.1 The Bonnagreement expert group. 49 
5.2 Countries cooperating in Bonn agreement. 49 
6. References 51 
7. Annexes 53 
7.1 Directory information of the CD 53 
7.2 Summary of the methods 55

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