BSH kompakt
• 13 New Editions of small-
craft chart folios
• Issue of three summaries of
• New Edition of Chart 3000
with the most Important sym
bols and abbreviations
• Updates to 14 harbour pilots
and cruising guides Issued in
co-operation with DSV/DMYV
• Co-operation In the develop
ment of a small-craft version
of AIS (Automatic Identification
• Issue of 1,700 flag certifi
• Issue of 250 small-craft
tonnage certificates
• Product test run of BSH
current predictions In regattas
Also in recreational boating
Before setting out on a boat trip, up-to-date nautical charts should be taken on
board as routinely as checking the boat and its technical equipment.
It has happened again and again that even experienced leisure mariners have
had accidents resulting from Insufficient knowledge of the local waters.
To be on the safe side, special small craft charts from the BSH’s 16 small-craft
chart folios covering the North Sea and Baltic Sea should be used,
updated versions of which are issued at the beginning of each year’s sailing
season, as well as other nautical publications of the BSH providing,
for example, special Information about maritime radio services, waypoints,
weather forecasts and warnings, and tide calendars. Customers will benefit
particularly from an on-line update service offering chart blocks for downloading
- an offer everybody should use. Leisure sailors using this service exercise
circumspection and responsibility for their crew and themselves; to put it briefly:
they practice good seamanship.