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Full text: Jahresbericht 2005

BSH kompakt 
• IHO conference on the reform 
of hydrographic co-operation, 
• IHO-CHRIS committee, 
discussion of new technical 
standards for navigational 
charts, BSH Rostock 
• WEND committee on the 
development of IHO’s worldwi 
de data network for electronic 
navigational charts, Monaco 
• Steering committee of the In 
ternational Centre for Electronic 
Navigational Charts (IC-ENC), 
Taunton, UK 
• IOC Assembly in Paris, 
• OSPAR Working Group on 
Concentrations, Trends and 
Effects of Substances In the 
Marine Environment (SIME), 
Vigo, Spain 
• ICES Working Group on 
Oceanic Hydrography, Rhode 
Island, USA 
• Meeting of the IAEA Marine 
Environmental Laboratory 
(MEL), Monaco 
• International Marine Data 
and Information Systems Con 
ference (IMDIS), 31 May 
• 3 June 2005, Brest, France 
• Meeting of the HELCOM 
project group on Monitoring of 
Radioactive Substances In the 
Baltic (MORS), Kasnas, Finland 
IHO-CHRIS committee 
The BSH is represented in more than 20 international organisations, where it 
participates in the development of uniform standards and regulations, in 
co-ordination with the other states. In this way, synergy effects can be put to 
optimum use, and duplication can be avoided right from the start. We 
continually extend our range of products and services in close co-operation 
with our foreign partners. Backed by numerous bilateral agreements, 
the coverage of our official nautical charts bearing the blue BSH logo extends 
across nearly all European sea areas from Scandinavia to North Africa. 
IHO-Konferenz In Monaco 
IHO Conference In 

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