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Full text: Jahresbericht 2005

Daten + Fakten 
Weitere Gremien 
European Geophysical Union, Division of Science, Secretary: 
Dr. Koltermann 
International Ice Charting Working Group (IICWG): 
Frau Dr. Schmelzer 
Ostsee-Eistagung (Baltic Sea lice Meeting): 
Frau Dr. Schmelzer 
International Baltic Sea Ice Climate Workshops: 
Frau Dr. Schmelzer 
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG, Internationale 
Union für Geodäsie und Geophysik) 
International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA) 
Working Group „Geomagnetic Observatories, Instruments and 
Standards“: Günter Schulz 
International Union of Radio-ecologists (IUR): 
Dr. Nies 
MarCoast - Marine Coastal Services 
Klein, Dick 
TERASCAN User Community 
Nutzergemeinschaft von Satellitenstationen: Frau Tschersich 
PAPA Programme for a Baltic Network to Access and Upgrade an 
Operational Observing and Forecasting System in the Region: 
Soetje, Frau Dr. v. Gyldenfeldt, Horn 
Marine Data Model Working Group 
Dr. Schulz-Ohlberg 
Nord-Ostsee-Küsten-Informations-System (NOKIS++) 
Steering Group für das HIROMB-Projekt (High Resolution Operational 
Model for the Baltic Sea Area): 
Müller-Navarra, Dr. Kleine

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