Daten + Fakten
Übereinkommen über
den Schutz der Mee
resumwelt des Nord
Übereinkommen über
den Schutz der Mee
resumwelt des Ostsee
gebietes (Helsinki-
World Meteorological
Organization (WMO,
Weltorganisation für
Weitere Gremien
Commission: Dr. Heinrich
Environmental Assessment and Monitoring Committee (ASMO):
Dr. Heinrich
Eutrophication Task Group (ETG): Frau Dr. Weigelt-Krenz
North Sea Network of the Investigators and Prosecutors: v. Ostrowski
Working Group on Concentrations, Trends and Effects of Substances
in the Marine Environment (SIME): Dr. Theobald
Working Group on Monitoring: Dr. Schmolke
Offshore Industry Committee (OIC): Wasserthal
Biodiversity Committee (BDC): Wasserthal, Frau Sänger-Graef
Working Group on the Environmental Impact of Human Activities (EIHA):
Radioactive Substance Committee (RSC): Dr. Nies
Strategy Group: Rühl
Helcom Maritime: Frau Hering (Vorsitz), v. Ostrowski
HELCOM Monitoring and Assessment Group (MONAS): Dr. Rolke
Project Group of Experts on Monitoring of Radioactive Substances (MORS):
Dr. Herrmann
Nature Conservation and Coastal Zone Management Group (HELCOM
HABITAT): Dr. Nolte
HELCOM Routeing Group: Schröder-Fürstenberg
WMO/WCRP: CLIVAR Atlantic Implementation Panel: Dr. Koltermann
International Centre for Electronic Navigational Charts (IC-ENC)
Steering Committee: Hecht (Vors.)
Technical Expert Working Group (TEWG): Funcke
Agreement for Co-operation in Dealing with Pollution of the North Sea by
Oil and Other Harmful Substances, 1983 (Bonn-Übereinkommen)
Expertengruppe „Ölidentifizierung“: Dr. Dahlmann (Vorsitzender)
American Geophsical Union (AGU)
Dr. Birgit Klein
Committee of the North Sea Senior Officials (CONSSO)
v. Ostrowski
Committee of the North Sea Senior Officials (CONSSO):
v. Ostrowski
Executive Board: Dr. Koltermann
Steering Group on Baltic Operational Oceanographic System (BOOS):
Steering Group on North West Shelf Operational Oceanographic System
(NOOS): Dick, Herklotz
Europäisches Komitee für Normung (CEN)
Arbeitsgruppe CEN/BT/TF 120 Oil Spill Identfication: Dr. Dahlmann