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Full text: Jahresbericht 2005

Daten + Fakten 
International Maritime 
(IMO, Internationale 
International Telecom 
munication Union (ITU) 
International Organi 
zation for Standardi 
(ISO, Internationaler 
Kommission der Eu 
ropäischen Gemein 
Marine Environment Protection Committee: v. Ostrowski, Dr. Rolke 
Maritime Safety Committee: Brockmann, Kaspera 
Sub-committee on Safety of Navigation: Eckert, Dr. Jonas 
Sub-committee on Ship Design and Equipment: Kissenkötter, Kallauch 
Sub-committee on Standards of Training and Watchkeeping, Correspond 
ence Group: Development of Competences for Ratings: Frau Tüngler, 
Mac Donald 
Sub-committee on Flag State Implementation: Frau Tüngler 
ECDIS Correspondence Working Group: Dr. Jonas 
IMO Drafting Group for Display Performance Standards: v. Arnim 
ITU-WP8b and Joint Raporteurs Group for Spurious Emissions on RADAR: 
v. Arnim 
Technisches Komitee ISO/TC 8: Steiner, Kayser 
Sub-committee ISO/TC 8/SC 1 (Lifesaving and Fire Protection): Kallauch, 
Sub-committee ISO/TC 8/SC 5 (Ship’s bridge layout and associated 
equipment): Bethke 
Sub-committee ISO/TC 8/SC 6 (Navigaton): Reinhard Schulz, Kallauch, 
Sub-committee ISO/TC 8/SC 6/WG 10 (Guidlines for the Installation of 
Yoyage Data Recorder [VDR]): Wille 
Sub-committee ISO/TC 8/SC 8 Radar Reflectors: v. Arnim 
Sub-committee ISO/TC 8/SC 18 (Navigational Instruments and Systems): 
Kallauch, Schulz-Reifer 
Sub-committee ISO/TC 188/WG 19 (Small Craft - Navigations Lights): 
Kallauch, Kissenkötter 
Sub-committee ISO/TC 188/WG 26 (Small Craft - Magnetic Compasses): 
Stahlke, Reinhard Schulz 
Sub-committee ISO/TC 188/WG 28 (Measurement of Airborne Noise): 
Frau Eickmeier 
European Sea Level Observing System EOSS Work Package 2: 
Dr. Goffinet 
Projekt: SEA-SEARCH, A Pan-European Network for Ocean and Marine 
Data and Information Management; Task Group Leader: Nast 
Ausschuss für die Sicherheit im Seeverkehr und die Vermeidung von 
Umweltverschmutzung durch Schiffe (COSS): Brockmann, Eckert 
Gruppe der Benannten Stellen (MarED): Eckert, Brockmann 
Expertengruppe Abwehr äußerer Gefahren auf See (MarSec): Brockmann 
MarED Working Group Navigation Equipment: Eckert (Convenor) 
Water Framework Directive Common Implementation Project 
„Transitional and Coastal Waters“: Dr. Heinrich 
EU Marine Strategy Working Group „European Marine Monitoring and 
Assessment“ (EMMA): Dr. Heinrich (Delegationsleiter)

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