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Full text: Jahresbericht 2013 - Umweltschutz im Seeverkehr

BSH-Mitarbeit in Gremien 91 
HELCOM Group for the Implementation of the 
Ecosystem Approach (HELCOM GEAR), 
ab 3/2012 
Barbara Frank 
(HELCOM/JAB), bis 2/2012 
Barbara Frank 
Agreement for Co-operation in Dealing with 
Pollution of the North Sea by Oil and Other 
Harmful Substances, 1983 (Bonn-Übereinkom 
men), Expertengruppe „Ölidentifizierung“ 
Dr. Gerhard Dahlmann 
American Geophysical Union (AGU) 
Dr. Jürgen Holfort 
Kai-Christian Soetje 
-> EuroGOOS-Data-MEQ Working Group 
Kai-Christian Soetje 
-> Baltic Operational Oceanographic System 
Kai-Christian Soetje 
(Steering Group); 
Dr. Frank Janssen 
-> ln-situ/real-time Observations Working Group 
Detlev Machoczek 
-> North West Shelf Operational Oceanographic 
System (NOOS) 
Stephan Dick (Steering Group); 
Kai Herklotz 
-> COSYNA Lenkungsausschuss 
Kai Herklotz 
-> COSYNA Fachkreis Feststationen 
Oie Bremer 
Europäisches Komitee für Normung (CEN) 
-> Arbeitsgruppe 
„CEN/BT/TF 120 Oil Spill Identification“ 
Dr. Gerhard Dahlmann 
-> Code Européen des Voies de Navigation 
Intérieure (CEVNI/CEN) 
Doreen Thoma 
-> Working Group „Guidance Standard for the 
Assessment of Hydromorphological Features 
in Coastal and Transitional Waters“ 
Dr. Manfred Zeiler 
International Ice Charting Working Group 
Dr. Jürgen Holfort 
Baltic Sea Ice Meeting 
Dr. Jürgen Holfort 
Deutsch-polnische Grenzgewässerkommission 
-> Arbeitsgruppe „W1“ 
Dr. Jürgen Holfort 
Global Température & Salinity Profile 
Programme (GTSPP) 
Dr. Birgit Klein 
EuroGeoSurveys, Marine Contact Group 
Dr. Manfred Zeiler

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