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Full text: Jahresbericht 2013 - Umweltschutz im Seeverkehr

90 BSH-Mitarbeit in Gremien 
EMSA Consultative Network for Technical 
Grit Tüngler 
Gruppe der benannten Stellen (MarED) 
Ingolf Eckert; 
Stefanie Kärtner 
MarED Working Group „Navigation Equipment“ 
Jörg Kaufmann; 
Ingolf Eckert (Convener) 
MarED Working Group „Radiocommunication 
Ingolf Eckert (Convener) 
MarED Working Group „Life-saving Appliances“ 
Ingolf Eckert 
MarED Working Group „COLREG72 Equip 
Ingolf Eckert 
EU Marine Strategy Working Group „European 
Marine Monitoring and Assessment (EMMA); 
Stakeholder Advisory Group on Maritime 
Security (SAGMaS)“ 
Dr. Liliane Rossbach; 
Harald Joormann 
EU-Committee of Experts Certification 
of Galileo (GALCERT) 
Ralf-Dieter Preuß; 
Tobias Ehlers 
Regular process for global reporting and 
assessment of the state of the marine environ 
ment, including socio-economic aspects 
Dr. Hartmut Heinrich 
Übereinkommen über 
den Schutz 
Ralf Wasserthal; 
Dr. Stefan Schmolke 
der Meeresumwelt 
des Nordostatlantiks 
Working Group on Monitoring (MON) 
Dr. Stefan Schmolke 
Working Group on Concentrations Trends and 
Effects of Substances in the Marine Environ 
ment (SIME) 
Dr. Stefan Schmolke 
Offshore Industry Committee (OIC) 
Dr. Gerhard Dahlmann 
Environmental Impact of 
Human Activities Committee (EIHA) 
Ralf Wasserthal; 
Dr. Nico Nolte 
Intersessional Correspondence Group on the 
Cumulative Impacts of Human Activities 
Ralf Wasserthal 
Radioactive Substance Committee (RSC) 
Dr. Jürgen Herrmann 
Übereinkommen über 
den Schutz 
Helcom Monitoring and Assessment Group 
Barbara Frank 
der Meeresumwelt des 
Ostseegebietes (Helsin 
Projekt Group of Experts on Monitoring of 
Radioactive Substances (MORS) 
Dr. Jürgen Herrmann 
Nature Conservation and Coastal Zone 
Management Group (HELCOM HABITAT) 
Dr. Nico Nolte

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