F. Große et al.: Looking beyond stratification
Biogeosciences, 13, 2511-2535, 2016
ing S st rat(0 to Eq. (2), and subsequently the daily MLD of
the region is defined as the median of these 16 daily values.
The annual MLD for each region was then determined as the
median of this daily time series. Finally, the annual maxi
mum MLD among all four regions is used to determine the
reference depth D re f, which is defined as the bottom depth of
the layer directly below this maximum MLD.
The values for these O2 -related quantities were calculated
for individual years relative to D re f and temporally integrated
over the period from 1 April to 30 September (hereafter
“summer”). Consequently, the average values over the entire
period 2000-2012 are calculated and presented in Table 1,
additionally including the average O2 concentrations at the
beginning and end of the summer period as well as the aver
age duration of stratification.
2.4.2 Development of a spatially resolved index for
North Sea O2 deficiency
In order to obtain a North Sea wide indicator for O2 defi
ciency under stratified conditions, it is necessary to extend
the regionally confined characteristic described in the previ
ous section. For this purpose, we extract the key factors af
fecting O2 from this regional information and combine them
into a single index - the oxygen deficiency index (ODI). The
ODI aims to represent the main spatial and temporal pat
terns of O2 deficiency in the North Sea under stratified con
ditions, while being as simple as possible and incorporating
only a very limited number of parameters.
Stratification period, organic matter export and sub-
thermocline volume are considered as the key parameters
controlling the bottom O2 dynamics. Surface primary pro
duction can be used as a proxy for organic matter export as
suming that most of the exported organic matter is produced
locally. Bottom depth can be used as an indicator for the sub-
MLD volume assuming only minor fluctuations of the MLD
during the summer stratified period. In addition, the bottom
depth directly influences the amount of organic matter reach
ing the bottom layer relative to the amount being produced
near the surface, due to the exposure of sinking matter to
pelagic remineralisation. Thus, the following key factors are
used for the calculation of this index: (longest continuous)
stratification period (i stra t; in days), summer surface primary
production (PPmid; in g Cm -2 ; 1 April to 30 September), and
bottom depth (A, 0 t; in m).
First, individual dimensionless indices are calculated for
each of these quantities. The individual indices range be
tween 0 and 1, indicating conditions counteracting and sup
porting O2 deficiency, respectively. The calculation of the
stratification and production indices, 7 strat and 7 pp , is based
on the work by Druon et al. (2004) and reads as
Qi( x > y) — Ô/,min\\
Qi,max Qi,min ) )
with Qi = f strat , Q 2 = 7 pp . (3)
iQi ( x ’ y)
— min M, max K
/q / ( v. y) represents the index corresponding to the actual
value of the quantity Qi(x,y) with its defined upper and
lower thresholds, g/, max and g/, min . For f strat , g/, max and
Qi min are set to 50 and 150 days, respectively. Stratification
periods of less than 50 days are considered to be too short to
facilitate the evolution of O2 deficiency, while periods longer
than 150 days are considered seasonally well-stratified. The
lower threshold for PP m id was set to 120gCm -2 as PP m id
does not reach lower values in most parts of the North Sea.
The upper threshold was set to 200 g C m -2 as such high val
ues and even higher are simulated in the southeastern North
For the depth index, 7d, a different definition was chosen
as lowest O2 concentrations occur in areas of intermediate
depth, where seasonal stratification can develop and the O2
inventory is limited due to a small volume below the thermo-
cline. Therefore, we defined Id as follows:
maX (°’ ) Dbot ’ y) < ö peak
1 - min ( 1, gb ° t(x '^~ gpeak ) otherwise
\ •L'max ¿-»peak J
Dbot represents the actual bottom depth at location (x, y).
D p eak — 40 m is the bottom depth we found to be most
favourable for O2 deficiency in the North Sea. The lower
threshold /) nlm = 25 m corresponds to the maximum MLD
we found for the shallower southern North Sea. The up
per threshold 7) max = 90 m was chosen to exclude the areas
where the initial O2 inventory is sufficient to prevent O2 de
ficiency due to the large volume below the thermocline.
Finally, the ODI combines the three individual indices ac
cording to the following equation:
ODI(x, y) = 7 d (x, y) • w Qi lQi( x ,y),
i — 1
with wq 1 — 1/4, wq 2 — 3/4.
Here, Iq î and wq î represent the index for a quantity and the
related weight, respectively. The values for f stra t are referred
to by Q\ and those for PP m id by Q 2 - The equation for ODI
implies that it is zero in areas where Id — 0. The stronger
weighting of PP m id implies that variations in the ODI be
tween different years are more strongly affected by variations
in summer surface productivity than by the duration of strat
The ODI ranges between 0 (low risk of O2 deficiency) and
1 (high risk) and is calculated for each water column (x, y )
within the model domain. By this we obtain a spatially re
solved indicator for O2 deficiency in the North Sea, which
helps régionalisé the North Sea in terms of O2 conditions.
2.5 Quantification of driving processes: spatial and
temporal variability, and data interpretation
In order to quantify the processes driving the O2 dynamics in
different regions, we calculated O2 mass balances for three