F. Große et al.: Looking beyond stratification
Biogeosciences, 13, 2511-2535, 2016
Figure 5. Taylor diagram of simulated (x) bottom O2 concentra
tions compared to observations (OBS) for time series (see Fig. 3) at
(a) Cefas North Dogger and (b) MARNET Ems, and (c) spatially
resolved data (see Fig. 4). Standard deviations and centred root-
mean-square differences (RMSD) were normalised by the standard
deviation of the corresponding observations.
by low O2 conditions and the southeastern parts, which are
more vulnerable to low O2 concentrations. In addition, the
model demonstrated it is capable of capturing variations in
the bottom O2 evolution between different years. In combina
tion with the results of the time series validation (Sect. 3.1.1),
this confirms that the described model setup provides reliable
information on the internal physical and biological processes
driving the O2 dynamics in the North Sea.
The small SD of simulated bottom O2 confirms that using
the averages over a period of up to 4 weeks provides a reason
able measure for most areas. In addition, these small values
imply that measurements taken late August/early Septem
ber (before the breakdown of stratification) can be consid
ered as a representative synoptic picture of the late summer
bottom O2 conditions. However, the time series validation
showed that in some areas lowest concentrations of bottom
O2 may occur remarkably later in the year (see Fig. 3a).
Consequently, the picture obtained from observations taken
in August/September does not necessarily reflect the spatial
distribution of minimum bottom O2 concentrations, which
underlines the importance of choosing the appropriate point
in time for the monitoring of low O2 conditions.
The small SD of the observations, which is a result of the
data gridding, shows that in most regions vertical O2 gradi
ents near the bottom are negligible. The high values of 0.75
and 0.59 mg O2 L _ 1 southeast of the Dogger Bank and north
west of Denmark, respectively, result from the fact that val
ues above and below the thermocline were taken into account
for the averaging.
As for the time series, Fig. 5 (marker c) shows the statisti
cal measures of the validation for the spatially resolved data.
Here, COR reaches only about 0.64 which is also indicated in
Fig. 4 by the variations between year 2008 and the previous
years, when the simulation revealed a relative change inverse
to that in the observations in the northern North Sea. The nor
malised RMSD of 0.77 is about twice as high as for the time
series, which can be attributed to the greater regional differ
ences in the observed bottom O2 concentrations with higher
maximum and lower minimum values. The normalised SD
equals 0.67 which indicates the less strong spatial gradients
in the simulation. These statistics confirm that the spatial pat
terns in the observed bottom O2 concentrations are basically
reproduced by the model, with only slight shortcomings with
respect to the amplitude of the bottom O2 concentrations and
year-to-year variations in some regions of the North Sea.
3.2 Simulated stratification periods and minimum
bottom O2
Figure 6a and b show the spatial distribution of the longest
persistent stratification periods (after Eq. (1) using simulated
T) for the years 2002 and 2010, respectively. Both years
show similar stratification patterns with stratification periods
of >180 days in large parts of the central and northern North
Comparing the corresponding minimum concentrations of
bottom O2 (Fig. 6c and d) shows significant differences.
The minimum bottom O2 concentrations in 2002 in the re
gion from 55-56.5° N, 4.5-7.5° E constitute the lowest O2
concentrations during the entire period 2000-2012 reaching
values of below 5.8mg02L _1 . In contrast, the duration of
stratification in this area is similar or even longer in 2010
than in 2002. The O2 concentrations in 2002 are even below
the O2 threshold applied by OSPAR (ômgChL -1 ; OSPAR-
Commission, 2005) and persist for about one month (not
presented). In contrast, 2010 represents a year with rela
tively high minimum bottom O2 concentrations being above
7.3 mg O2 L _ 1 in the entire model domain. The areas directly
north and south of the Doggerbank also reveal lower bottom
O2 concentrations in both years.
The stratification periods derived from the simulation are
in good agreement with the different stratification regimes
described by Pingree et al. (1978) and van Leeuwen et al.
(2015). The latter applied a density-based stratification crite
rion on model results to subdivide the North Sea into areas of
different stratification characteristics, and showed that most
areas of the seasonally stratified central and northern North
Sea reveal stratification periods of 170 to 230 days.
The increased potential for low O2 conditions north and
south of the Doggerbank corresponds well to observed bot
tom O2 time series in these regions (Greenwood et ah, 2010).
Queste et al. (2013) also observed lower bottom O2 concen-