Die Kuste, 81 (2014), 255-271
and E-wards of Helgoland) in die afternoon of 08.01.2012 (about 58 h after die accident).
Since we cannot verify diat the objects were double sightings, we do not compare these
observations with drift simulations. But diis illustrates, that aldiough the containers have
been dropped off probably very close to each other (or even at the same position) at
nearly the same time, the objects-over-board have already taken very different trajectories.
The increasing distances between the containers observed 4 h, 33 h and 58 h after the
accident (1/2 nm, 8 nm and 13 nm) illustrate the different behavior of drifting object de
pending on size, drowning, shape, etc.. Witiiout knowing any of tiiese properties die un
certainties of a drift simulation are very high. Additionally the turbulence and other pro
cesses of different scales in wind, waves and currents put a random forcing on the ob
jects, which is not possible to predict deterministically.
Table 1: Observation of a container package made by GS Neuwerk 06.01.2012.
Time in UTC
54° 18.2‘ N
007° 11.6‘E
54° 18.1‘N
007° 11.9‘E
54° 18.0‘ N
007° 12.4‘ E
54° 17.8‘ N
007° 12.9‘ E
54° 17.7‘ N
007° 13.4‘ E
54° 17.6‘ N
007° 13.9‘E
54° 17.5‘ N
007° 14.4‘E
54° 17.3‘ N
007° 14.9‘ E
54° 17.3‘ N
007° 15.5‘ E
54° 17.T N
007° 16.4‘ E
54° 16.9‘ N
007° 16.9‘ E
54° 16.8‘ N
007° 17.4‘ E
54° 16.8‘ N
007° 17.9‘ E
54° 16.8‘ N
007° 18.3‘ E
54° 16.8‘ N
007° 18.6‘ E
54° 17.5‘ N
007° 21. 4‘ E
Further the objects drifting characteristics may change over time. In the evening two
connected containers, which were probably die ones reported east of Helgoland in die
afternoon, were sighted by GS Neuwerk soutiiwest of Helgoland. Again die positions
were radar plotted, but in die morning of 09.01.2012 the containers broke off, and one
deteriorated distributing wooden planks and a package of wood. Later die remaining blue
container was salvaged. In die subsequent 6 days wood, wood packages and fragments of
containers were found in the Elbe estuary and at die Nordi Frisian coast near the Eider
We apply SeatrackWeb with BSHcmod/LME forcing simulating two connected con
tainers drifting on 06. January 2012 between 17:18 UTC and 23:30 UTC and compare die
results witii observations (given in the Tab. 1). Fig. 5 shows the trajectory of the drift
simulation in blue and of the observation in magenta. At die beginning die simulated
trajectory follows nicely the observations, later the containers move more soutiiwards
than in the simulation. At the end of die simulation the distance between observed and