N.H. Schade et al.: Regional Evaluation of ERA-40 Reanalysis Data
Meteorol. Z, 22, 2013
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OBS, 1961-1980/1981-2000 ERA-40, 1961-1980/1981-2000
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Grid boxes
Grid boxes
OBS, JJA 1961-1980/1981-2000
OBS, DJF 1961-1980/1981-2000
ERA-40, JJA 1961-1980/1981-2000
Figure 5: Box plots of 2 m air temperatures from measurements (left) and ERA-40 (right) for the time periods 1961-1980 and 1981-2000
(first row), and file respective summer (second row) and whiter seasons (third row) for file North Sea Boxes 1 & 2. Median values and
percentiles as described in Fig. 3.
pronounced and have to be accounted for. Improvements
could be made by further analyses including an
independent data set for triple collocation error model
ling. Finally, measurements have to be continued on a
high quality basis to ensure the availability of a reference
data base in the future.
The BSH/DWD KLIWAS team, and a special thanks to
Wolfgang Gloeden and his staff at Seewetteramt
Hamburg for the help with the preparations of the GZS
database and its system.