Meteorol. Z, 22, 2013
N.H. Schade et al.: Regional Evaluation of ERA-40 Reanalysis Data
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sets presented in the following. Nevertheless, they surely
point out the need to correct GZS data for climate
research studies accordingly, if they want to be compared
with the regularly sampled ERA-40 (or any reanalyses)
data for that matter.
Finally, the uncertain fraction variability has to be
addressed. Since we have to assume, that observational
errors occur, we have to account for the representative
ness of GZS. Stoffelen (1998) used a triple-collocation
method to validate anemometer, scatterometer and NCEP
winds. This can not be done with only two datasets avail
able, unless one is divided into subsamples, which would
not be practical for our analyses. Therefore, we have to
assume the GZS temperature und sea level pressure
errors by what we know. This is, as stated above, the ran
dom measurement error (KENT and BERRY, 2005), which
is used as “expected variance” a 2 . Secondly, the “error
variances” e 2 are computed as variance of the GZS val
ues of each time step per box. Now, an error estimate, or
pseudobias, can be obtained that is the difference
between the GZS value x and the biased mean
<y>- xct 2 / (a 2 + e 2 ). This pseudobias is small if e 2
is small, which means the variance of measured GZS val
ues is small. Mean pseudobiases of 1.4 ± 1.9 K (Box 1)
and 1.7 ± 2.5 K (Box 2) for air temperatures can be
found, with minimum values of about 1 = 0.5 K in win
ter (December) and maximum values of about 3 = 1.2 K
in summer (August). Sea level pressure biases are found
to be 1.9 ± 2.1 hPa (Box 1) and 2.4 ± 2.9 hPa (Box 2).
Nevertheless, to correct the GZS data this way would
imply to do so for every ship, variable and measurement
device separately, which is not possible in the context of
this work. Additional information about e.g. the shielding
of thermometers, the exposure times, etc. would have to
be investigated for every single measurement for the
whole time period. Often this data not available at all
and to correct only a part of the data and assume that this
correction applies to the rest as well would introduce
biases also. Instead we decided to use the “raw” GZS
data after they passed HQC and the manual inspection
for box 1 und 2 and to keep in mind that measurement
errors and pseudobiases exist and to account for them
in the discussion. As mentioned above, the sampling bias
does not effect the differences between both datasets, if
we compare GZS-like sampled ERA-40 with GZS.
3 Results
The distributions of air temperatures at 2 m height above
ground (AT) are presented in Fig. 3 through box plots.
They show the percentile values of both ERA-40 and
observed ATs for all months of the reference period
1961-2000, and for the winter season (DJF) only. The
upper row includes both grid boxes, the lower row shows
the four subgrid boxes of Box 2 (see Fig. 2). For the
overall data, ERA-40 (grey boxes) and observations
(black boxes) are very close together and the differences
in the respective percentiles are only marginal. For DJF
however, differences in Box 2 are obvious. The median
value of the ERA-40 data is 0.6 K below the respective
one of the observations and the 99% percentile differs
by 1 K. The percentiles 1 and 5 are in better agreement.
A closer look at the four sub grid boxes of Box 2 reveals
an interesting feature: Both eastern boxes facing to the
Danish coast (even numbers) indicate large differences
in the ERA-40 temperatures in the sea side part, com
pared to the GSZ, as well as to ERA-40 itself. Differ
ences are about 1-2 K in the respective higher (wami)
percentiles and the median, whereas the lower (cold) per
centiles differ less. This reflects the characteristic of the
reanalysis model not to differentiate exactly between land
and sea and a land-influence reaching far into the open
sea areas. The western, sea-side boxes (odd numbers)
are much closer together, but show also colder maximum
temperatures compared to GZS. Again, this can be
observed only in DJF, all other periods are in good agree
ment. Even, if measurement errors and biases are
accounted for, this would not explain the differences
between the ERA-40 values in the eastern boxes to those
in western boxes.
However, these differences are only apparent for the
AT investigations. Comparisons of the SLP data show
no such differences between ERA-40 and the observa
tions (not displayed), neither in the median nor in the
percentile values. This leads to the conclusion that the
ERA-40 land-facing grid points are influenced by colder
temperatures occurring over land in the winter months
DJF, whereas the pressure fields are independent of the
subsurface and land-sea effects can be disregarded. This
independency of the land-sea distribution leads to a better
consistency between observations and reanalysis. The
assumption is supported by the results presented in
Fig. 4: All ERA-40 monthly means of August and
December during the period 1961-2000 for Box 2 are
plotted against the respective means basing on observa
tions of AT (left graph) and SLP (right graph). These
months show the best and worst fitting data pairs. While
in August all AT pairs are relatively close around the
optimum accordance line, despite the high uncertain frac
tion variability, all ERA-40 mean ATs in December are
systematically smaller than the respective means basing
on observations, with a maximum difference of
2.2 = 0.2 K. This is about twice the size of the monthly
mean random measurement error of 1.2 ± 0.3 K found
by Kent and Berry (2005). Therefore, the colder
ERA-40 temperatures can not result from measurement
errors in the observations alone, especially in December
where the pseudobias due to the uncertain fraction vari
ability is low. In fact, measurement errors resulting from
radiative heating should have a greater effect in the sum
mer months. Here, ERA-40 means are smaller during the
whole span from October to April (not shown), until in
May the mean values become closer to the optimum
accordance line and begin to differ again in September.