Z-score of Am-241
Figure A18.
Column diagram
of Z-scores for
■ SS I/S W
Eight laboratories from seven Baltic Sea countries
participated in an intercomparison exercise
carried out during the years 2000-2003 concern
ing laboratory analyses of artificial and natural
radionuclides in a sediment sample. All the par
ticipating laboratories analysed K-40 and Cs-137
in the sample. In addition, results for several other
gamma-emitting artificial and natural nuclides, as
well as alpha-emitting transuranic elements were
The intercomparison showed that the analytical
capability in the Baltic Sea countries is on a high
level; the laboratories are competent to analyse a
large number of important radionuclides (e.g., Cs-
137, Cs-134, Pb-210) in the marine environment,
if needed. In addition, there exists a capability for
difficult radiochemical analyses of alpha-emitting
nuclides (Pu and Am isotopes). Sr-90 analyses
were performed only by one laboratory, which
was mainly due to the lack of the sample material.
However, the capability for Sr-90 measurements
has been demonstrated in other intercomparisons
(e.g., seawater).
The results indicate that measurements per
formed by these laboratories are in quite good
agreement with each other. When comparing the
Z-scores (Figures A12-A18), the difference from
the mean value can be considered to be statisti
cally significant (|z|>1.96) in only two cases.
The uncertainties reported with the results varied
a great deal from each other. Harmonization of the
uncertainty calculations in the laboratories could
be a common target in the HELCOM MORS-PRO
The first part of this work was organized by
Sandor Mulsow, IAEA-MEL.
Long-lived radionuclides in the seabed of the Baltic Sea