6 Conclusions
The goal of this study was to complement the
knowledge and inventories of long-lived radionu
clides in the seabed of the Baltic Sea by providing
additional data from so-called “white areas”, and
from nuclides which were not recorded in the
earlier surveys. According to the project plan, the
sampling and analysis activities should mainly
be based on the permanent HELCOM/MORS
Monitoring Programme, but samples should
also be taken from coastal areas and areas with
hard bottoms, as well as from anoxic sediments.
Especially in the case of Cs-137, the targets
were fulfilled very well, although some parts of
the western Baltic Proper still remained relatively
poorly investigated. A large amount of data on
certain other nuclides were compiled, but many
gaps still remained concerning our knowledge on
long-lived radionuclides in the seabed of the Baltic
Sea as a whole.
The results show that about one half of the total
input of Cs-137 from Chernobyl into the Baltic
Sea area has accumulated in the seabed. The
accumulation was strongest in the first 5-6 years
after the fallout, but it is still in progress. Cs-137
is still transported from the drainage area to the
sea, and in the sea from the water column to the
bottom. In recent years, the accumulation of
Cs-137 has become slower and the total inven
tories of this radionuclide in the seabed have
stopped increasing, which means that the accu
mulation rate of Cs-137 and its radioecological
half-life in the sediments are essentially attaining
balance at present.
Chernobyl-derived Cs-137 was very unevenly
distributed in the seabed of the Baltic Sea. The
largest amounts were measured in the bottom
sediments of the northern parts of the Bothnian
Sea, the southern parts of the Bothnian Bay,
and the eastern parts of the Gulf of Finland. In
addition to the patchy nature of the atmospheric
deposition, the distribution and accumulation in
the sediments was affected by the character of
the bottom, the sedimentation conditions, and
the sedimentation rate in different areas. The
maximum value in Baltic Sea sediments (125 000
Bq nr 2 ) was recorded in the northernmost part
of the Bothnian Sea and was clearly higher than
the highest deposition values recorded, e.g., from
the Finnish territory in 1987. The dominant role
of the Bothnian Sea as an accumulation basin of
Chernobyl caesium is clear; its portion was 73%
of the total inventory of the entire Baltic Sea.
The total inventories of certain long-lived radionu
clides in the Baltic Sea sediments were estimated
as follows:
Man-made radionuclides
Natural radionuclides
2 100-2 400
8 500 a ' b
26 c
420 a ' b
15.3 c
0.02 c
a in the surface (0-10 cm) sediment layer.
b supposing that the amounts are equal on hard/
soft bottoms.
c rough estimate based on relatively few data.
The Sediment Baseline Study results show
that the concentrations of naturally occurring
radionuclides in Baltic Sea sediments remain at
background levels. However, the concentrations of
man-made radionuclides in 2000-2005 remained