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Full text: 37: Meteor-Fahrt Nr. 20a, 21.4.-23.5.1970. Seegebiet Färöer-Island

Fig. No. 
Figure Caption 
Positions of XBT- and CTD(BS) - stations 
Enlarged area from Fig.1 = Positions of moored instruments (+), 21 
of the 5-days permanent station 1 & Z and of the 
hydrographic sections 
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Temperature distribution at the sea surface 
Temperature distribution a% 50 m depth 
Temperature distribution at 100 m depth 
Temperature distribution at 150 m depth 
femperature distribution near the bottom 
Position of the temperature sections I - VIII (XBT-measurements) 
Vertical temperature traces along the sections I = VIII (XBT) 31 
Vertical temperature distribution along the sections I, III, IV, 32,33 
f, VII (XBT and CTD) (BS = CTD-measurements) 
Hourly CTD-measurements in the center of the northern triaäangle 34 
Crossing the frontal zone in the area of the northern (sheif) triangle 36 
Permanent station 1_- _ Southern (deep) triangle 
Meteorological. observations (wind, air temperature, 
sea surface temperature) 
Fluctuations of temperature and salinity (hourly CTD-measurements) 
Mean vertical temperature and salinity traces and standard 
deviations (hourly CTID-measurements) 
Vertical oxygen traces (analysed by the modified Winkler wethod) 
Permanent station 2 _= Northern (shelf) triangle 
Meteorological observations (wind, air temperature, 
sea surface temperature) 
Fluctuations of temperature and salinity (hourly CTD-measurements) 47 
Mean vertical temperature and salinity traces and standard 48 
deviations (hourly CTD-measurements) 
Vertical oxygen traces (analysed by the modified Winkler method) 

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